Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 25th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Bhim tries to get the investment for the newspaper

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Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 25th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Meghnat asks Bhim Rao to take the money, Bhim tells Sethji that his Guru jee used to tell him that one might try to first please them in order to cause destruction and even used to say that they should think before choosing the path of convenience as he feels that Meghnat is being two faced so he should take the money and leave, Meghnat says Bhim Rao is not understanding how he is getting such a nice chance to move ahead in life, Bhim refuses to accept the guidance of his teacher and knows Meghnat has come to ruin their desires but he will assure they will surely become successful after struggling, Meghnat says they all would die of hunger, Shishupal agrees they would die of hunger but not eat anything that is due to consideration, Meghnat vows to see what the three of them are able to do, he threatens them to even see what they would do to them. Sethji says he also thought he can do anything to the people as he belongs to the upper class but only till the time he did not meet someone who fought with him, which he is sure Meghnat would also lose hope one day when some people are able to stand in front of them all, Meghnat warns Sethji to keep the lecture to himself while he leaves warning them to wait for their downfall, he leaves. Bhim asks Sethji how they should go to meet those who might help them so the three of them leave.

Karuna brings tea for Bala saying today she is the most happy, Bala replies it is indeed good to leave like a manager, she replies she is even more glad that he supported her and she would thank him for it as he stood against Bhim and Rama to stand by her side, Ramji enters the house when Bala seeing him tells Karuna he has learned it in this house that the son who supports their wife is always nice just like Bhim and Aanad, but he has even learned it in this house that if the wife is not supported then their condition becomes like Aai, even if someone feels good about it nor not. Ramji tells Bala he would not feel bad if he supports his wife but if it is for the good thing, he says it is not nice that Bala is taunting his own father as he should have understood him, Ramji asks if he will take the food for his aunt or not, Bala replies he will take it and if he is supporting his wife then it does not mean that he does not love them, Bala asks Karuna to make it but she says she has to leave for work as she is the manager, Jija Bai asks her to leave then calls Rama and Lakshmi to come out ordering them to make the food, Rama asks what about the one which they made in the morning, Jija Bai says she gave half of it to Phulari as she did not have wheat in her house, Rama says she is doing it purposefully so they get late for work and Karuna Bhabhi gets the chance to scold them, Jija Bai leaves saying they can think whatever they desire but they can either choose their work or that Meera Bua stays hungry, she walks out of the house when Lakshmi asks Rama what can they do, Rama replies that she will take the dish quickly. Jija Bai is smiling while holding the dish in her hand thinking that both of their lives would be made into hell while how would Bhim become successful when their life becomes hell, she is laughing.

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Bhim along with Sethji and Shishupal are standing while the person is reading the letter, he says he would not be able to help them when Sethji asks the reason so the person replies he does not feel they would be successful, Bhim asks why is he saying this when Sethji managed to run the business but the investor says the last time he had the support of his society and everyone but this time he has Bhim Rao on his side and it would only cause destruction, Bhim stopping him requests for some help when the person replies he can support the beggar but not him, Shishupal tries to request but Bhim stops him saying that if the person can help the beggar then there is no need to ask him for investing, he says he will bring the first newspaper to him once their office is launched, Bhim asks Shishupal for the second name and then goes to request the person for help but even he refuses, Sethji is also asking for the support along with Shishupal however they all keep refusing the three of them, the owner starts making fun of Bhim Rao saying that the one who does not have to eat is going to launch his own paper, Bhim says he was able to study without having anything to eat but he says that the name is the last on their list and if he also refuses to give them money then they will find some other way to open the paper, the person says he has a condition on which he would invest, the person asks if Bhim will agree when Bhim replies if it is not wrong then he will surely accept it, the person says that he should get the license from the office after which he will invest, Sethji says the condition is that they would get the license after the money, the owner asks if the poor person is getting the chance then should they not change the rules for their own benefit, Sethji says he is trying to trap Bhim Rao but they would not listen, the owner says that Bhim Rao should first come back after changing the rule then he will invest, Sethji asks Bhim to come when the owner says that he should accept it, Shishupal informs Bhim that the owner is trying to trap him just as he would do, they turn to leave when the owner asks Bhim if he is right, then Bhim remembers when Rama said she will bear the humiliation thinking it is of the entire society, Bhim agrees when Sethji and Shishupal warn him to not say it as they will get trapped, Bhim says it is about trust as they donot have that on them and so he agrees to fight and change the rule, the owner says if Bhim gets the license then he will surely invest when Bhim replies he should not refuse from the promise, Bhim leaves along with Shishupal and Sethji, the owner starts smiling thinking Bhim is an idiot as he would be thrown out of the office.

Shishupal asks Bhim to stop questioning what is he dong as they would not get the license when Bhim replies if he wins then will get it so they will go and fight, Sethji also stops Bhim but he says he will fight the battle on his own and if he wins then would get the license while if he loses then both of them can struggle on their own however should let him go right now, Shishupal tries to stop Bhim but he leaves.