Parineeti 15th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Neeti restricts Pari from entering her bedroom


Parineeti 15th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Scene 1
Sanju asks Pari if she wants to do something else? you think we are all fools and only you can handle everything? you can call me an idiot. Pari says enough, I am going. He stops her and says there are many people to do the work but you have to take on everything. Pari says I don’t have time for your lecture, I don’t like to hear it. He takes her hand and bandages her wound. Pari winces in pain. Sanju says I am angry at you. Neeti comes there and asks what’s going on? Pari says he is applying bandage and is angry. Neeti asks what are they doing alone in her room? Pami comes there and says Pari’s washroom isn’t working so I asked her to come here. Sanju asks Neeti to apply bandage to Pari. Neeti says its not needed, she is okay. Pari says yes and sadly leaves. Sanju leaves too.

Daljeet comes to meet with a lawyer and says Maa wants to give property to me, she is scared that others will take over that’s why she wants to name everything to me. The lawyer asks what he has to do? He asks him to prepare the property papers and don’t tell anyone. He leaves.

Pari comes to Neeti with a first aid box. Neeti says don’t come to my room again. Pari says Pami sent me here. Neeti says you are a child, anyone can hold your hand and you would be okay. Pari says you are wrong. Neeti says this family is blind and you keep fooling everyone. Pami comes there and asks Pari to come with them. She goes from there. Sanju comes there and asks Neeti if everything is okay? Neeti says I don’t want any scene in the birthday celebrations. Sanju says I hope I don’t give you that chance. Neeti says what you mean? He says you know what I am saying, he leaves from there.

Scene 2
Pami’s birthday celebrations start. Gurvindar comes to Chandrika and taunts her for laughing too much. Chandrika says I can’t even laugh now? Gurvindar says just go back to your parents’ house. Chandrika says I won’t listen to you. Amit sees them together and runs from there. Daljeet comes to him and asks what happened? Amit says once you get married then you will know.

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Shanku enters the party as a waitor. Sanju stops him but doesn’t recognize him as hs is wearing fake beard. He takes a drink from him and leaves. Daljeet sees Pami and recalls Pari’s words that he shouldn’t have misbehaved with her. He apologizes to her but she leaves. He drinks to do drama now.

Neeti and Pari get ready for the function. They both sadly look at each other. Pari hugs her but Neeti doesn’t. Pari says you look beautiful. Neeti says I want to talk to you. I told you to not enter my room, don’t do it ever again. My bedroom is a personal space for me and my husband. Pari says I will do as I say, I will never enter your room. Neeti says its my bedroom. Pari says I am leaving this house but we will remain friends? Neeti says you used to save me as a friend but you have spoiled everything. And also stop trying to trap my Sanju. Pari says your Sanju will be yours only.

Daljeet comes to Pami’s room and apologizes to her. Pami says what’s this drama now? He says I am sorry, I shouldn’t have misbehaved. Pami says you have hurt me. You are my child and it would pain me when you are in trouble. I was pained when you were jailed. Daljeet says I got out because of your prayers, please forgive me. Pami says okay, I forgive you. Daljeet says I have a gift for you, I want to start over. I want to make a mandir in the village on your name. Pami is happy hearing that. Daljeet says I just need your sign on some papers. Pami gets a call and leaves.

Daljeet tells Gurvindar that they are celebrating Pami’s birthday but do they do same for you? Gurvindar says some people get recognition and some don’t. Daljeet says you did so much for the family but they don’t give you back like me. Gurvindar says its okay, lord is with us. Daljeet says no, we have to fight for our rights so I will fight for my rights, he leaves. Bebe comes there and says it feels like he is up to something. Sanju comes there and says I got Pari’s reports. Neeti comes there. Bebe tells Sanju that he shows too much concern for Pari. Sanju says so what? Neeti looks on.

The episode ends.