Katha Ankahee 9th November 2023 Written Episode Update: Katha and Viaan argue in the office


Katha Ankahee 9th November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Viaan says Katha is standing in Earthcon once again and he is feeling she is hearing at least one thing from her heart due to which she is here.

Katha remembers when she was talking with Paranv telling him how Viaan managed to convince Raghav to make a monument of love for her, Paranv does not understand when Katha explains Raghav wants to make a house and now Raghav desires she should also work with Viaan, Paranv says she would have surely refused, Katha replies she accepted it explaining this is the dream project of Raghav and she wants Viaan to accept that nothing can happen between them both and she has moved on. Vanya sees Katha so gets very excited to see Katha Bhabhi here and goes to meet her, the rest of the staff along with Jeetu Bhai also come to meet her, Vanya brings Ahsan to come and see Katha has returned, Vanya explains this is love as Viaan Bhai brought Katha Bhabhi back, Ahsan advises her to calm down as they do not know the state of mind that Katha is in and he fears what if Viaan loses his love once again, Ahsan goes to also greet Katha, Vanya hugs her when Viaan says that everyone is really happy to see she has returned so he welcomes her back home, Katha replies she is glad he has welcomed her to his house but it is just of some days after which she will return back to her house. Viaan asks if she is not happy, Katha replies she is indeed happy but their reasons might be different. Katha says she is excited to be a part of the monument of love that Raghav is making and desires it should end soon, Viaan says even he desires it should end what she is doing hearing which katha says that their love story is going to end here because this is where it started.

Vanya mentions Katha Bhabhi came here as she belongs in Earthcon and it will be a new start, Ahsan asks if Vanya does not want to understand because Katha is not the same person but the new one who has come here to end it, Vanya replies Ahsan should not be so ill about this situation, she asks if he knows her brother since the childhood then must believe that he would do anything but Ahsan asks her to not start anything new, Vanya replies he must stay here while she is leaving because of which Ahsan gets frustrated.

Viaan opens the door when Katha enters into her old office, she sees all of the decorations and asks if he will play with Nostalgia as her cabin is just as she left it but now it would not work on her as she has left her past, Katha says she does not want to work in this cabin, Viaan agrees suggesting she can work in his cabin since no other one is free, he starts smiling so katha mentions there is no reason to be so happy. Viaan replies happiness is with oneself and he is because his happiness is standing in front of him. Katha after thinking for a moment places her bag, she rushes to remove all of the decorations from the cabin with her memories with Viaan and takes them out of the cabin, Viaan says memories cannot be placed in a box as she would get their scent each and every moment because Katha herself is the scent. Katha suggests that they should do some work because she has to even return back after a while, Viaan agrees so he sits down. Katha asks him that the design layout which he gave to Raghav was nice but what is the reason behind it, Viaan says he wants to ask her some questions so asks how has she planned the dream house with her partner.

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Pari aunti asks what is the problem with Katha as she will once again be an architect who has her own personal project, Vikram explains that it would be due to some performance when Pari aunti mentions they are talking of Katha, Vikram assures that she is very multi talented and not like Pari, Vikram asks Raghav to give her some time as she would surely get back to becoming an architect but then Raghav stops talking, Pari asks the reason when seeing his attitude Vikram mentions he is shy of his own uncle and mother. Raghav explains Katha has to make a lot of efforts for this relations because whenever he sees her the guitars start playing but he has no idea when she will feel the same, Pari aunti asks him to not be worried, Vikram explains that in every relation they need respect and friendship so Raghav has both of them, hearing which Raghav starts blushing.

Katha asks Viaan what did Raghav say to him that he made the design or rather he made it with his own mind which is why it is Philosophical and not practical when Viaan says that there was girl who used to believe in the soul of a building and her name is Katha, she mentions it is not funny at all. Viaan explains they just do not sell buildings but emotions and he gets up saying he will bring the file for her, Viaan brings back the box of frames for katha explaining she must keep them in her cabin as who knows when it might cause some emotions to spark. Viaan tries to close the door but noticing that it is wrong promises he will get it fixed. Katha starts crying mentioning she knows she is hurting both of them but has no way to do anything other then this to move on in their life.

Raghav hugs Yuvraj hug when Raghav asks him where was he all this time, Yuvraj informs him that he was busy due to the exams of his children so did not get any time, he sitting on the couch asks where is katha as Maa was trying to call her but they both were not able to talk. Raghav accepts it is his fault informing that he desired to build a monument of love on their family owned land and only Katha can do it since she is the architect, Yuvraj asks if it was easy to convince her when Raghav replies it had to take a lot of effort but he is glad since one of his friend Viaan Raghuvanshi is helping her who is the owner of Earthcon, he asks if Yuvraj knows him but he refuses however keeps thinking this is called bad fate and how would katha manage it all.

Katha is very tensed standing in her cabin while Viaan is also working in his cabin constantly thinking about the memories he has with katha and how they both were really happy together, Katha is not able to focus on her work so just starts walking in the cabin constantly looking at the box, Viaan on the other hand is trying to figure out how he can make some special design. Katha not being able to control herself starts looking at the artificial plant which Viaan gifted her, she gets emotional

Precap; Viaan asks how did Katha like the design, he says she is not giving suggestions nor saying anything so what is wrong with her. Katha asks Viaan if their love had the strength then would have shined in the dark night but it had nothing strong, Raghav calls Katha seeing whom both Viaan and Katha are shocked.