Junooniyat 9th October 2023 Written Episode Update


Junooniyat 9th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Scene 1
Jahan puts Ilahi’s hand on his head and says say that you don’t love me. Ilahi shoves him. She says stop it, I am Jordan’s wife. Please go. Jahan says tell me what I asked. Don’t you love me? Ilahi cries. She says I can’t tell. Jahan says you promised to Mata rani, she brought us together. Mata rani will bring us together. People like Jordan can never change. Don’t trust him. Jahan wipes her tears. They both cry, Jahan leaves. Ilahi cries. She recalls Jahan saying Jordan can never change.

Jordan burns the contract and says I’ve not changed and I will never Ilahi. The manager asks did he write something wrong? He says there will be a concert but of Jordan Mehta. The rockstar. I will never let Ilahi’s dream come true. He pays the manager and says this place is booked for 6 months and there will no new booking here. Jordan says your dreams will burn like this Ilahi. Mahip comes there. She claps. Mahip says well done. You’re so smart. You’re such a great actor. Ilahi comes there. Mahip says you put spices on the fan that day right? Jordan asks how do you know? She laughs and says I am your mom. I knew you were acting from day 1. Jordan says I do love Ilahi. But I love myself way more. Ilahi will get everything, name, fame but as Jordan’s wife. She can only sing in my bedroom. Otherwise she will always be knowns as my wife. But you’ve to make sure she’s my wife. You’ve to live peacefully with her. Mahip says she loves Jahan. Jordan says her love for him will die. She stood with me not him. Ilahi has started trusting me. Once Jahan gets married to Seerat I will teach Ilahi a lesson she will remember for life. Ilahi is only mine. I can do anything to keep her mine. Mahip says you think Jahan will step back? Jordan says he was saved once, he wont’ be always. Ilahi is shocked. She hears everything. Mahip says don’t do anything wrong in your anger. Anything that can go against you. Jordan says don’t worry mom. I know what am I doing. I trapped Ilahi in her own dream. She is so sumple and innocent she will never get out of that trap. Ilahi is shocked.

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Scene 2
Ilahi comes home. She recalls what Jordan said. Jordan comes home. He asks Ilahi why did you call me to the garden? And what is this standee doing here? It’s cold lets go in. She says I am waiting for somoene else as well. Jahan comes there. Ilahi has her standee there. Ilahi says I want to tell you both something. This si my life and I will decide what I do with my life. I will take my decisions. Neither of you will. Time will tell if the chance I gave to Jordan was right or wrong. And Jahan you, how can you give your family pain? Listen to your mom and move on. Don’t make your mom cry. She says Jordan, you dont’ have to arrange a concert for me. I don’t want to fulfill my dream with any help. I will do it myself. Ilahi leaves. Ilahi’s standee burns.

Seerat says how can Jahan not value me? Is hould go back to canada. He will never love me. he loves Ilahi. Dolly comes there. She asks where are you going? Seerat says back to Canada. No one needs me here. Dolly says there’s no giving up in love. You love Jahan right? Seerat hugs her and cries. Dolly says he will be yours. Call your mom here, we will fix your wedding.

Jahan goes to the temple and rings the bell. He says Mata rani you can’t see my pain? You know I love Ilahi more than my life. I won’t let you take away Ilahi from me. What kind of love it this? Ilahi is my love, my identity. You could kill me but don’t take Ilahi away from me. Jahan cries.

Update in Progress