Imlie 31st July 2023 Written Episode Update: Keya Gets Imlie Arrested


Imlie 31st July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Imlie asks nurse why she stopped Atharva’s drip. Nurse gets tensed. Imlie notices Atharva struggling to breathe and vital sign monitor off. She restarts monitors and drip. Nurse runs away. Imlie catches her and asks why she stopped Atharva’s drip. Keya with Akash walk out and signals nurse to keep her mouth shut. Nurse says she did it on Imlie’s order and gave poisonous drip to Atharva. Imlie warns her to stop lying. Keya asks why would nurse lie. Family says they will never distrust Imlie. Nurse says Imlie hired her to kill Atharva as she doesn’t want Atharva to claim Imlie’s daughter. Family refuses to believe nurse and asks for proof. Nurse says poison bottle is in Imlie’s bottle. Keya brings Imlie’s purse and gets poison bottle out of it. She and Akash continues to accuse Imlie while family defends Imlie. Keya threatens to call police. Imlie says she will call police instead, calls them, and says nurse will not leave until police comes.

Family believes that Imlie can never harm Aharva. Devika says Imlie already suffered a lot because of her, she will perform pooja once Imlie gets out of this mess. Imlie frightens nurse that she will go get a life term in attempt to murder case and nurse will be jailed for 5-6 years at least and will be given rigorous punishment for supporting her. She asks to reveal who is behind all this if she wants to save hrself. Nurse gets afraid and says she can’t reveal the name. Keya peeps in and signals nurse to run away. Nurse runs away. Imlie runs behind nurse. Keya gathers family and says Imlie said something to her nurse and ran away with her.

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Police arrives and catches Imlie. Imlie tries to explain that she was trying to catch the main culprit, but they don’t believe her. Ranas plead inspector not to arrest Imlie. Inspector says he got complaint from their house and has to arrest Imlie in attempt to murder case. He arrests Imlie forcefully and takes her away. Atharva wakes up calling Imlie. Ginni informs him about Imlie’s arrest. Kairi walks in and questions Atharva. Atharva promises to bring her mamma back and walks out of the house with great difficulty. Family tries to stop him. Atharva tongue lashes them for letting Imlie arrested and walks out with great difficulty to save her.

Precap: Atharva drives car behind police jeep to save Imlie. He loses control seeing a speeding truck heading towards him and crashes his car to a tree, even jeep crashes to a tree.