Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 26th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Bhim Rao returns with Jija Bai


Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 26th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Jija Bai is angrily packing her belongings when the lady comes asking why is she packing her clothes, Jija Bai says she is going to go anywhere but not stay where Bhim is staying, the lady asks her to calm down but Jija says that everyone in the society is just talking about Bhim, Jija Bai mentions that she is the eldest in this house but in reputation is even lower then the youngest child so what is the need to stay in the house where there is no respect for her, the lady stops Jija Bai mentioning that they are not as bad as they seem. Jija Bai angrily walks out but is shocked to see that everyone is dancing when a person stops them all saying they should look back, the father of Bhim stops Jija Bai asking where is she going but she replies he should not stop her as she is going to stay on the road because she knows Bhim would not leave so someone has to go, and if she leaves then all those who are dancing along with Bhim will get the happiness that Jija Bai has left, her daughters ask what is she doing when Jija Bai mentions that she should learn from Bhim, her son mentions that JIja Bai has an old quarrel with Bhim so does not listen to anything, Jogu says that Jija Bai should leave because they all will tease her each and every day, Bala warns them to stop this foolish talk but Jogu tells that had he been in place of Jija Bai then would not have stayed here for each and every moment. Jogu says that when she leaves only then would Ramji realize what it means when a wife leaves, Ramji asks Jija Bai to come inside but she says that he does not say anything against the one who causes a lot of problem, she threatens to sit here and curse Bhim for all that has happened, Jogush says this is what Ramji does but today Jija Bai will not lose hope, Jija Bai mentions that Bhim is the biggest loser, Ramji angrily instructs Jija Bai to leave, Ramabai stops Ramji requesting him to not throw her mother out of the house when she has forgiven her, Ramji mentions he can bear what everyone else says but will not bear if Jija Bai says anything his son, Ramji angrily instructs Jija bai to get out from here, he turning mentions that anyone who tries to stop Jija Bai would have to swear on his life, Ramji explains that his relation has ended with Jija Bai but she leaves informing that they never had any relation so she leaves, everyone is worried about what has happened just now. Ramji turns back asking both Karuna and Dakshana to go to their work while saying that no one is going to go after Jija Bai, he threatens them of severe consequences if they even think about following her, he leaves but Ramabai gets worried.

Bhim is sitting on the floor when his boss says that everyone including the governor, police officers and even the king are impressed with him so how does he do it all. Bhim Rao says this is due to his honesty and truthfulness when his boss says there is no chance for it, Bhim agrees mentioning it will take some time but he knows that everything would be fine after a while. The boss asks fi Bhim Rao does not think that his actions will cause a lot of problems, he asks Bhim to think again and then give an answer..

Karuna and Dakshana are about to enter their workplace when the boss asks where were they yesterday when they both reply that they had an important work, the boss asks if they think this work is not important when both Karuna and Dakshana say that if they are not able to come for even a single day then he can deduct their money, the employee asks the boss to fire these people from the low class as he will find a lot better workers, the boss agrees to not cut their salary today but says he would cut their two days salary if they do not come on the work.

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Bhim Rao replies he is not able to find a reason when the boss remembers when he agreed to really treat Bhim Rao in a bad manner. The boss takes off the wrist watch asking Bhim Rao to bring the other watch from his house, Bhim Rao is shocked but then is forced to agree to it.

Bhim Rao is walking when he sees Jija Bai walking, he stops her asking if she is leaving the house once again and where is she going to go, Jija Bai says where she does not have to see him, he says that he knows she hates him but he does not hate her, Jija Bai says that he has never called her as Aai since his childhood but Bhim replies that everyone calls her as Aai, she warns him to not stop her but Bhim explains he has understood she would not be able to live happily even if he leaves so they should stay together, Bhim requests her to come back home but Jija Bai refuses to listen, Bhim asks her to then take him to where she is going however Jija Bai says that she cannot bear her presence, Bhim replies he will not bear a women leaves her own house when she has the full right. Bhim takes her hand and starts walking back towards their house.

Ramji is sitting under the tree thinking about what Jija Bai said about in the morning that she will curse Bhim Rao that he does not live happily, he thinks that he knows he is sad that Jija Bai left because she is his wife and a part of his family. Ramji is shocked to see Bhim walking with Jija Bai so stops him but h says that Jija Bai is not going anywhere, Ramji asks Jija Bai to go back home but just understand that the Bhim whom she always wanted to oust from the house is the one who brought her back, Bhim asks if his father does not think he is wrong because he did not stop his wife from leaving. Ramji accepts that he was wrong but he did not have the strength to continuously fight her, they both will stay away from each other in peace even if it means they are not happy. Ramji leaves when Bhim asks her to come so she angrily walks into the house, Ramji turns to see Bhim walking and exclaims that if Jija Bai says anything against his son then he would once again send her away.

Ramabai along with everyone else are really worried when they see Jija Bai returning while Bhim is following her, Jogush says that Jija Bai does not have good luck as she cannot even run, because Bhim would not even let her run away. Bhim stops anyone from speaking because Jija Bai would be tensed that she returned because of him so they need to calm her down, Jogush says that they would speak whatever they desire, Bhim replies it is a matter of their family so he does not have any right, JIja Bai mentions he brought her back by force so will decide what they talk about, Ramabai asks her to come inside, she leaves after taking the bag from Bhim Rao.