Bhagya Lakshmi 20th June 2024 Written Episode Update

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Bhagya Lakshmi 20th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

The Episode starts with Rishi asking Lakshmi if Paro is his daughter. Lakshmi asks did I say that and says she is happy that he is not Paro’s father. Rishi asks her to kill him directly. Inspector asks them to open the door. Rishi asks her to end their relations, and heart feelings, connection and love etc. She says everything is over long back. He asks why you have tears in your eyes. Lakshmi says even you had tears in your eyes. Inspector breaks the door and gets inside with the constables. She asks Rishi why did he close the door, when he himself made them reach here to get her arrested. Rishi says you are here because of me, how? The Inspector says due to your phone tracker, we are here. Lakshmi gets shocked and hurt. Paro comes out. Sushma asks Paro to come. Paro hugs Lakshmi and says she don’t want to go. Sushma takes her from there. The lady constables arrest Lakshmi while everyone looks on shocked. Lakshmi and Paro are both taken out. Paro says save me, Maa. Rishi tells Lakshmi that he didn’t call Police, and asks her to trust him. Lakshmi says I know you. Rishi promises her that he will not let Paro stay there. Lakshmi asks him not to promise. Rishi says believe me, I haven’t told anyone. Malishka gets Sushma’s message that Paro is with her and Lakshmi is arrested. She tells Kiran that hr heart got peace. Kiran says now you are happy. Malishka says she is very happy and now will celebrate. She opens the champagne bottle. Kiran is also happy to guide her daughterin her wrong doings.

Rishi tells Lakshmi that how can he get his own daughter arrested. Lakshmi doesn’t believe him. She is taken in the jeep. Malishka comes home with fake tears ih her eyes and tells Neelam that Rishi loves her a lot. She tells them that Paro is sent to juvenile home, and Lakshmi is arrested. Karishma asks who did this? Malishka tells that Rishi used the tracker to track them. Anushka thinks why she is lying so big. Neelam says Rishi has done this. Aanchal says yes, he loves you and couldn’t see your condition. Karishma says he couldn’t bear whatever happened with you. Aanchal says Rishi helped Police so that he can get them arrested so that you get justice. Neelam says Rishi can never do this, this thing doesn’t match with his character. She says she will take rest for sometime.

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Ayush tells Anushka that if there is any news about Rishi Bhai and says his phone is not connecting. Anushka asks him to call and asks the person where he went. Ayush says I know where he went, and tells that he thought Rishi Bhai called Neelam Mami to tell about his whereabouts. Anushka says I saw you with Lakshmi’s sister outside the court and also saw how you was looking at her. Ayush asks her to talk straight with him. Ayush gets a call about Lakshmi’s arrest and goes. Anushka thinks she is the one who is doing all this using Malishka.

Rishi tells Lakshmi that he has not done this and will never do this, and asks why will I do, she is my daughter too. Lakshmi says I really don’t know why you are taking revenge on me and says Paro was never separated from me. Anushka thinks she will get her arrested, so that Ayush feels the pain which she is feeling. She calls Inspector and tells her that Shalu had helped Lakshmi eloped. Inspector asks if she is sure? Anushka says yes and ends the call. Inspector comes to arrest Shalu. Shalu and Rano looks on.

Lakshmi tells Rishi that she was shocked when the Police was thanking him for taking so much efforts to get them arrested. Ayush comes there and gets shocked to hear this. Lakshmi says I thought you love Paro.

Precap: Rishi asks Inspector who told her about the tracker in his phone. She says his wife told him. Rishi tells Neelam that Lakshmi is misunderstanding him because of Malishka. Neelam asks if you don’t want to be arrested, she shall be there.

Update in Progress