Rabb Se Hai Dua 3rd November 2023 Written Episode Update: Ruhaan brings Ejaz


Rabb Se Hai Dua 3rd November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Scene 1
Hadier says this demon should be thrown away from our house. Hina shoves him and stands in front of Gazal. She says don’t dare to touch her. haider says she ruined my life and this family. Hina says stop it. Dua has manipulated all of you. I will neverr trust her against Gazal. She says to Gazal don’t worry. I am with you. I trust you more than Haidr. you’re all ganging up against this orphan girl. This Dua is provokign you all. Gazal is a saint. She forgave me. She let me get over my repent. Haider says it was all a lie. If that was the case she wont’ have made such plans. She knew two women mattered the most to me you and dua and she took you all away from me. She blamed you in front of me and created differences between me and Haider. Come to your senses. hina says it’s all a lie. You’re seeing what Dua is making you see. What face will you show to the god.

Dadi says has she done magic on you? Are you blind? Hina sayys I won’t fall for such lies. This girl can never do that. Ruhaan says I knew you wont’ trust us. But I’ve somene who you will have to trust her. There’s a witness. Ruhaan brings in Ejaz. Ruhaan says he was Gazal’s help in everything. I looked for him for a long time. He says Ejaz tell everyone the truth. he says to Gazal don’t try to scare him. Ruhaan asks did you kidnap me because of Gazal? He says yes. She paid me to kidnap you. So I did that. When she was accusing Dua Ruhaan was with mee. Gulnaaz says she blackmailed me she can get Ruhaan killed if I don’t accusee Dua. Dadi says stop shedding your crocodile tears. If you didn’t help her this won’t have happened. You kept helping Gazal. She backstabbed you. Shameless woman. You couldn’t even be with your own son. rahat says you’re paying for your sins Gulnaaz. You’ve no shame. Your conscience is dead. She says no please. I stood with Dua. Ruhaan says because your mission was done. Once I was free you got back with Gazal again.

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Dua says this Gazal has harmed our family so much. she also tried to kill another person. Haider asks who? Hamida says mine. She tried to stab me. My Dua came that day and saved me. Dua hugs hamida. Dua says she said I hit her. that’s when she attacked my mom. I got so angry that I couldn’t stand for myself. she tried to get me arrested. I told her I will expose her so she balmed everything on Hina. Hina is shocked.

Episode ends