Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 25th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Vedika is arrested by the police

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Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 25th July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Rageshwari questions who is Vedika to talk in between, she furiously slaps her which shocks Padma, Kishori lal, Sagar rushes to support Vedika stand up, Kishori lal says it is enough and tries to walk ahead but Himat starts suffocating him, Vedika runs to help her father, Sagar tries to follow them but is stopped by Rageshwari however he still goes to punch Himat in the face then asks Kishori lal if he is fine and so helps him sit down, Sagar questions how did Himat dare raise his hand on Kishori lal, Degvijay asks what is Sagar doing but he warns his father to stay back, turning to Rageshwari asks if she realizes what he means by it, he says Vedika comes from a respectable family and her father is a teacher but they send hired criminals to their house. Rageshwari tells Degvijay this is what she feared, Vedika has filled a lot of hatred in the mind of Sagar against his own family, Rageshwari mentions Vedika has taken her work and warns him to understand it was all pre planned, Saraswathi was preparing to do pooja and in it they will offer their necklace, she then send her parents out of the city but came to help them in this house. Vedika says it is all a lie, Sagar says he told Saraswathi that he along with Vedika would help her, Rageshwari mentions Vedika has even convinced Saraswathi that she is just like her daughters whom she had lost, Rageshwari asks if it was also his decision that Vedika should stay here for three days, Rageshwari questions Saraswathi but then Vedika mentions that it was her decision to stay here for three days, Rageshwari asks if everyone heard, Vedika mentions she geniuenly wanted to help Saraswathi in the pooja, Rageshwari blames Vedika knew that Saraswathi and Sagar are very close so this is why she started the act of loving Sagar, Rageshwari mentions her Grand son is young so got distracted while Vedika is very clever and she called Sagar into her own room on the first night.

Sagar tries to assure there is nothing of the sort. Padma says Rageshwari can even hand her over to the police if she believes they stole the necklace but Rageshwari must not put such a blame on her daughter. Rageshwari replies that such a word does not suit her, she mentions it is just the beginning and she must wait, Sagar warns his Grandmother it is a lot, Saraswathi also requests her Maa to stop saying the respect of a human is worth a lot more then the necklace, Rageshwari agrees saying that the respect of a young girl is worth more then everything in the world but some people can go to any level in order to get some money. Padma requests her to stop saying ti is enough, Rageshwari says Sagar has lived abroad so is not aware of such cunning women but she knows them very well, Rageshwari asks everyone to think that would any parent in their country send their young daughter to live in a house which has a young son. Vedika says her parents did not know anything about it, Rageshwari replies she is sure that Vedika planned it all with her parents. Sagar tells her Grandmother to stop asking how much would she try to ruin the character of Vedika as she is not like those girls, Rageshwari replies that she is also saying that Sagar does not know anything as he is the future of the Maheshwari family and she does not want Vedika to use him as a pawn and end his life, Saraswathi requests Maa to stop saying she cannot bear it, Rageshwari says that she is amazed as Saraswathi is raising this question even when she has given so many proofs but Vedika is quiet as she is not able to say anything. Saraswathi requests Vedika to tell it, Vedika tries to clarify the situation when Rageshwari puts her hand over the head of Saraswathi saying she must swear on her life that she did not open the safe, Rageshwari then apologizes saying she would not make any false swear on the lie of Saraswathi, Vedika tries to turn back but Saraswathi stops her saying Vedika cannot take any false vow, she then asks Vedika to say it and asks if she knew the code to the safe and did she open it.

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Vedika says she cannot take any false swear on her life, Rageshwari and Degvijay start smiling while all the guests present are shocked, Vedika accepts she opened the safe but there is some other reason behind it, Rageshwari asks if everyone heard the truth along with Saraswathi that Vedika accepted she opened the safe, Rageshwari asks now what does Saraswathi has to say about it, Vedika tries to clarify herself but Saraswathi replies she thought of Vedika as her daughter and saw her Jhanvi in her but she stole the necklace. Vedika requests Saraswathi to listen to her for once but she replies she does not want to listen to anything, Saraswathi reveals she gave the love destined for her daughters to her, she fed Vedika with these hands and gave the sweaters meant for them, while she even gave responsibility for this pooja by trusting her but Vedika broke it all for the sake of few money, she used her motherhood. Vedika tries to assure she did not anything, Saraswathi explains Maa is right as this family gave her a new life and she has lived this long due to Rageshwari, she mentions Vedika has humiliated her in front of all these people and so demands Vedika leave her house right now along with the parents. Sagar is furious. Vedika tries to console Saraswathi however she angrily demands that Vedika leave, Vedika slowly walks to her parents and helping her mother stand up starts walking out of the Maheshwari family when the police inspector enters with the constables through the main door. Rageshwari and Degvijay start smiling, Rageshwari asks what did Vedika think that she would be allowed to leave so easily, she then starts smiling while looking at Vedika.

Precap: the officer demands Vedika to sign it, she asks what is this but the officer says it is the testimony that they stole the necklace. Sagar requests Saraswathi to think for a moment with her heart that does she really think Vedika can do anything of the sort, The Inspector starts torturing Vedika and her family.