Kundali Bhagya 22nd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Karina manages to manipulate Bani Dadi against Preeta


Kundali Bhagya 22nd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Preeta asks Bani Dadi what happened as she seems lost so she asks if Bani Dadi is fine, who replies that she is a bit tensed and is going to pray to Mata Rani that everything should be fine. Preeta says that where Mata Rani comes to then there can not be any problem as this is what they are taught while burning Rawan, Bani Dadi replies that it is true but in the present times there are a lot of Rawan, Preeta asks Dadi to not be worried and just think good, Bani Dadi asks if the Pandit jee arrived when preeta says not right now so they both go to sit down. Karan sees Preeta taking care of Bani Dadi and even arranging the water for her, he is not able to stop looking at her. Mahesh coming asks where is karan looking at when he tries to divert it but Mahesh replies he knows where Karan was looking and he can look as she is his wife. Karan tries to leave saying he has some work, Mahesh stops him asking what was he thinking, Karan says he was wondering why do they celebrate the festivals and Mahesh asks the reason, Karan replies so that the entire family is in the same place and they enjoy themselves. Mahesh agrees saying that their hose is so lively and it is due to the festival, mentioning people think they celebrate the festival but donot know the reason, which is because their own family members come to them just as Karan likes to see preeta all dressed for the festival, Karan gets nervous when Mahesh also smiles saying even he likes her a lot, mentioning she does not remember anything but even then has brought such lively environment to their house which is because she has those memories in her mind and the sense of belonging which she as for them feels very good. Nidhi gets even more jealous hearing it, Mahesh says that this is why he likes Preeta and even karan likes her a lot. Nidhi thinks Karan is behaving like a teenager and keeps staring at Preeta, she thinks she cannot tolerate it and today the chapter of Preeta would have to end today, she mentions Preeta must die today and forever leave her life today, Nidhi exclaims today Karan would not be able to sae Preeta today. Nidhi sees her friend Arohi so she walks over to her.

Anshuman goes to Varun asking why did he call him, Varun tells Panday that he keeps thinking of the same thing but if he tells Anshuman then he would get angry, Varun says they have to take care of the Wazir before harming the queen, Anshuman does not understand when Varun points to that girl who is Kavya, Anshuman says that Varun returned after Kavya again, Varun says that she is the trump card and if they take Preeta then she would not be scared as Preeta will get the strength and return after ruining the land. Anshuman agrees with Varun that they have to take care of this Kavya otherwise she would be able to save Preeta. Varun says now Panday is getting his point because if they kidnap Kavya then Preeta would not be able to focus on anything so it is going to be easy for them to kidnap her. Anshuman agrees saying they would first kidnap the life of Preeta meaning kavya then Preeta herself, they both are smiling.

Mohit asks Rajveer if he is happy here, Rajveer replies he was happy at both the places as they both are his family, Mohit asks Rjaveer to tell him about the father son bond when Rajveer replies he is learning how to fulfill relations from his father when he first thought that his father was wrong but the truth is that his father tied to search for his mother a lot, Rajveer says he has realized the extent of love between his parents while everyone in the family is very nice but he does not know about Shaurya because Mohit replies that he can see it because Shaurya does not care about family or anyone else, Mohit even points to Shaurya who is with the girls Rajveer says that the problem is the friends as the ones who Shaurya has donot tell him the right path, Rajveer asks Mohit to forget about Shaurya as he would take the wrong meaning of it, Mohit says but they both are brothers then Rajveer asks Mohit to have the food. Mahesh comes says he is glad to see Mohit but even has a a complement as Mohit comes here very rarely when Mohit replies there is nothing to be worried about now when he was busy for sometime due to the repair work of the house, Mahesh agrees saying they never feel peace other then their own house.

Karan comes to Rakhi informing that she knows he has stopped taking part in the pooja but today he want to fulfill the pooja with Preeta, Rakhi says that Karan has once again become the same teenager and so she promises to make sure that he gets to sit with Preeta in the pooja. Rakhi and Karan both start smiling when Karan sees Preeta talking to kritika. Nidhi thinks that blessing that Rakhi gave Karan today would not be fulfilled and today there is going to be a final attack on Preeta and it will cause her death. Nidhi angrily walks away while getting emotional, Karina sees Nidhi is emotional and then looks at Rakhi who is twisting the ear of Karan, Karina tries to convince Nidhi but she leaves with Arohi, Karina wonders what has happened to karan as he wants to sit in the pooja with Preeta but he does not know how bad Nidhi would fee, she thinks that Nidhi has not said anything to her today and just left so wonders it is the silence before the storm. Karina blames Preeta for bringing the storm o the house.

Arohi asks why is Nidhi so furious today, she starts throwing the decorations hen Arohi asks her to stop, Nidhi questions who is she and what vase does she have in this house, Arohi asks her if she has taken out her anger and then says she should tell what happened, Nidhi apologies when Arohi replies she is concerned this anger might harm herself, Arohi explains she knows that when Nidhi behaves like this then she is furious, Nidhi replies she is treated as if she does not have any value or importance so she has no idea how to take back the power, Arohi asks her to calms own, Nidhi replies she loves Karan a lot but he is just worried about Preeta so is selfish, Arohi says she has heard the words from her mouth Nidhi explains when she would ask karan to do the pooja then he said he does not want to do it as her sister came to his life and ruined everything, Nidhi says she as been in his life for so long and just asked him to give her some attention while go out with him and have some dinner, but he has never asked her for anything. Nidhi says that Karan brought Preeta back to his life, she knows he does not love her but what is the point of saying it to her and she feels she should end the life of Preeta. Arohi says this is what they are doing, Nidhi agrees today is going to be the last night of Preeta and after today she would leave this world forever, Arohi starts smiling.

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Bani Dadi is not ale o believe it and asks if they donot know, Palki says that they know it but like when someone says it, Shanaya says that they have some teachings which they like to know, Bani Dadi asks them to say that they want to hear it again, Bani dadi asks them both to even brings the boys, Palki calls Rajveer and Mohit to come for the story, Shanaya goes to call Shaurya and Sunny so they all come to sit in front of her. Bani Dadi asks them all about the day and Shaurya says it is Dashera, she then turns to Rajveer when he replies he indeed knows it and then Bani Dadi asks Mohit if he knows the story, Bani Dadi then turns to Sunny who replies he knows a little, she asks him to say it when he laughs it out saying he indeed knows it. Bani Dadi asks Sunny to tell the story, he says there were five brothers which shocks everyone and then they lost it all in a bet, Sunny says then they said they should do a fast for fourteen years, everyone keeps listening while at the end they clap for him. Bani Dadi says that he changed the characters of Ramayana and Maha Bharat, Rajveer also says that he does not know the story, Bani Dadi asks Sunny to not say this story in front of everyone, she instructs Rajveer to tell the story.

Rajveer says that the father of Ramji was named Dashrad jee and he had three wives named, Kaushalia, Shumitra and KaiKai. While the son of Kaushaliaa was named Ramji, the son of Shumitra named as Lakshmi and Shutrgan while the son of KaiKai was Bharat and KaiKai was the most beautiful while Dashrad jee loved her a lot, but he desired Ramji should become the raja as he was the elder but Mantra manipulated KaiKai so she asked Dashrad jee to send Ramji for fourteen and he also used to love KaiKai but after hearing it agreed to the decisions, Ramji then left with Sita while Lakshmi also left with him, Shanaya says they were kings but then started living a normal life and did not say anything while suffering, she says they met the sister of Rawan ShubNakha who started liking both Ramji and lakshmi and she proposed them but they refused which angered ShubNakha and she in frustration attacked Sita jee but then Lakshmi cut the nose of ShubNakha, Shaurya says then Rawan kidnapped Sita jee to take the revenge, Mohit asks what kidnap but Rawan did the Haran of Sita jee and locked her when Hanuman jee came there to help Maa Sita and then Rawan also made him a hostage while set his tail o fire but Hanuman jee set the entire Lanka on fire. Bani Dadi says then there was a battle and Ramji, Lakshmi defeated the Rawan who had ten faces, this is why they burn the Rawan to teach everyone that evil cannot win over the good. Sunny gets excited and so starts clapping for them, Shaurya gets fascinated by Rawan so starts walking, Shanaya follows him.

Karina comes informing she has to talk about something important with mom and takes her away.

Rajveer and Palki are standing when palki asks if he wanted something when he says he is thirsty so she asks him to wait for some time.

Bani Dadi asks what is so important as she was listening to the story of Dashera, Karina asks her mother to sit down saying that she is the eldest in this house and she cannot talk about with her brother who is a man. Bani Dadi asks what is the matter when Karina says she cannot see the condition of Nidhi who is very tensed, Bani Dadi advises Karina to not bee worried about her so much but Karina says that Nidhi has suffered a lot and become quiet so she feels something bad is about to happen and Nidhi not do a big drama, Bani Dadi says she does it every day but Karina informs ever since Preeta has come then they all have started praising her in front of Nidhi, she mentions while karan was saying in front of Nidhi that he loves Preeta a lot. Karina says no one is giving importance to Nidhi, while Rakhi Bhabhi always says that everything has gotten better with the arrival of Preeta. Karina says this time everyone is wrong while Nidhi is right, Bani Dadi tells Karina that she has gotten tired hearing the same thing, she asks Karina what can she do when Karina says they all should support Nidhi together and not forget what she has done for Karan and his children. Bani Dadi says that Karina is talking as if they beat Nidhi when it is not the case, Karina replies if they donot support the person in their bad times then it feels they are wrong. Karina says she felt Bani Dadi would support her but she cannot forget that Nidhi raised Shaurya and Kavya as her own child. Karina says Shaurya is just like Karan was in his teens but she says she can never forget what Nidhi has done for this family then Bani Dadi asks Karina to not be worried assuring she is going to support Nidhi, Karina is glad that her mother is supporting her, Bani Dadi says they should go as she wants to see the Ram lela.

Shaurya is standing in front of the Rawan when Shanaya comes beside him asking if he knows how massive is Rawan, Shaurya replies he is even more massive then his name, while he head that Rawan was the biggest Brahman, Shanaya says that Shaurya should not like him as he was not likable, Shaurya replies that it is not the reason and if Rawan had the ability to perform the Sita Haran but there was just one mistake, Shaurya says that Rawan waited for the permission of Sita je and if he kidnaps a girl to marry then would not wait, Shanaya asks Shaurya to not talk like this as it is not right, Shaurya replies they all have their own prescriptive, Shaurya says he likes Ram jee to but then prefers Grey characters as he feels he is the same one, Shanaya thinks of how Palki warned her, Shaurya tells Shanaya he is going to do what Rawan did but not wait for the approval and see what happens in the future.