Kundali Bhagya 18th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Anshuman Panday and Varun reach the location of Ram lila


Kundali Bhagya 18th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Palki agrees to the request of Rajveer who asks her to follow him after which they both leave.

Shaurya stops his car when he waits for a while and Sunny comes to sit in the car asking where are they going, Shaurya replies back home when Sunny says he is going to return to the house, Shaurya replies that he was a bit bore at the house so thought about picking Sunny after which they have fun. Shaurya asks Sunny if today is the day of Rawan, Sunny replies the Rawan Dehan when Shaurya is excited saying today there is going to be the skit of the Ram Lela and they would burn Rawan, he asks Sunny why does the Rawan not die when they burn him every year, Sunny says that it is a ritual to show that Ram jee won over the bad. Sunny asks Shaurya if he would enjoy at the festival when Shaurya says Sunny is his friend and knows he is always in his own mood, so he asks Sunny to text all the friends to come to his house. Sunny sends the text when he is excited as they even start replying.

Bani Dadi stops Karina and taking her into the room asks why does she always scold Preeta all the time when Karina replies that even mom always scolds her so what has she done, Bani Dadi replies sh feels Karina has started remembering everything from the past and she is behaving in the same manner. Karina replies whenever she sees Preeta then gets a bad intuition from her and she fears that if something wrong happens this time then it would ruin the entire house, Bani Dadi informs that even she is getting scared so Karina asks her mother to sit on the bed and then says that she is just a bit worried so this is why felt like it, she asks her mother to not be worried but she always feels the same after looking at Preeta. Bani Dadi tells Karina that the problems tend to come when they have to and not with anyone, Karina agrees saying she would go to check on Kavya as she takes a lot of time to get ready.

Anshuman and Varun are packing the things needed for the attack, he informs Nidhi they have packed everything and he is going to ignite the same fire that is inside him against the Luthra’s, he will ignite a Dehan just as they do the Rawan dehan, Varun informs they should always do the attack in a disguise and this times the Luthras would not be able to find out anything when today two real Rawan would come to perform the Dehan of Preeta. Anshuman shows the disguise, saying he is showing it to Nidhi so she can recognize them when Anshuman informs that they are fire for the enemy. Nidhi requests them to complete the work for which they are going and not fail Anshuman asks her to stop taunting them and just wait to see how they make the fake Dehan into a real one, Nidhi replies she now feels that Preeta is finally going to die today and leave from their life. Anshuman says Nidhi should go to at least look at Preeta since tonight is the darkest night for Preeta which is of her death as who knows if she gets to see it, Nidhi replies Anshuman is correct as she should have the real face when she has to act in front of the Luthra’s, Nidhi thanks them both for helping her in such a big thing, Anshuman replies they should thank her for getting them out of jail while Preeta is also their biggest enemy, Varun mentions he is feeling bad as she is about to get a tragic death and that poor Preeta je would not even get a normal death. Nidhi says even she is feeling bad after thinking about her death when she hates her the most Nidhi says after today no one would be able to recognize her, Anshuman says Bhagwan should not give such death to anyone while Varun replies they have given it to Preeta je while they need to wait for a few more hours after which it would be her death, Anshuman, Nidhi and Varun all are furious when Anshuman raises his hand ahead and they all vow that they are ready,

Rakhi instructs the person to put all the coconut here and the Chunri, Preeta coming behind her asks when should she call the Pandit jee, Rakhi say that the time is in the evening so she should call pandit jee to come one and half hour before the auspicious time as she does not want there to be any problem. Karan coming to the stall starts throwing the light at the face of Preeta from the mirror, Rakhi starts to smile seeing him but Preeta is not able to see him clearly even when she is trying to focus a lot. Preeta asks why did Rakhi maa name her son Karan, then Rakhi asks what so Preeta says Karan would always fight for his principles but she should have named him Krishna, or rather the names of Krishan jee as he would really enjoy to teases the women and this s what her son also does, Kara once again irritates Preeta and then he calls the child asking him to play with the toys Preeta says that it is not right as Karan is teasing her a lot, she says she would take revenge when Rakhi replies that she is going to stand beside Preeta but Karan is very mischievous and then Rakhi says that Preeta is not of anyone but of Karan and them all so she should take the revenge fro Karan, Preeta assures she would do it. Rakhi informs Karan is coming in this direction when preeta asks her to see what she dos with him, karan tells Preeta he did not see her when she asks how did he like the preparations of the pooja, Karan says he meant the people who do the preparations are good, preeta replies that such people are brought to the limelight, Karan replies it is good when preeta asks if he knows that tonight is the pooja and he assures of it all, Karan says he means they have to meet but Rakhi stares at him when he says he means the entire family should do the pooja together, preeta walks away but then Rakhi turns to karan who is smiling and Rakhi asks what was he doing with it all, karan refuses he has done anything, Rakhi replies she saw it all and then asks him what was he doing. Karan asks if preeta did not see it and she says she does not know of Preeta but has herself seen it, she says she warned him that it might cause pressure to her mind. Karan says he remembered some memories and does not know when they came to stand in front of him and he forgot about it all while the old Karan came in him who was the Krishna of Preeta, Rakhi says he is the same Krishna as he keeps looking at her, Karan gets nervous when Rakhi says he should look at her as she is of his, he replies he felt very peaceful at heart then felt he should do it ten times, Rakhi replies that it might become his punishment and what if she gets irritate, she holding the ear says he is the same Krishna. Karan gets irritated by someone who is showing the mirror which irritates him when Karan after a while sees it is Preeta, then he vows to not let her get away with it. Rakhi says she warned him he picking the jug swears to not let her get away, Preeta runs while Karan starts following her Kavya is also smiling while standing beside Rakhi. Karan throws the water but it does not fall on Karan when after that Preeta picks the weapon of Hanuman, they both are enjoying the company of each other. Kavya says that they are looking very good together, Rakhi says they are meant for each other while the world does not allow the to meet but the universe does not let them be separated. Preeta runs behind Rakhi maa asking her to stop Karan as he is irritating her, Rakhi threatens to beat Karan that she would do the same as Preeta did, Karan replies that preeta first teased him but she replies that he is a liar as he hit her, Karan remembers the past memory and then vows to not let her get away, Kavya also asks why is her father doing it, Rakhi replies he is wrong but Karina says he does not care if he is right or wrong but would not leave Preeta right now, he starts following her when Rakhi requests them to stop but then prays to MataRani that the house is full of smiles and no evil eyes should befall them.

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Anshuman and Varun walk to the stalls when Varun informs they are in danger zone and if someone catches them with the bags but Anshuman informs they have to do what they came, Varun says the table with the yellow cloth is covered so they should go to put the bags under it, Anshuman warns Varun to not even make a single mistake as they have to be very careful as there are the workers and even the crowd, Varun says it is good so they would be able to mend in it.

Rakhi asks Preeta to come as they must make the preparations, Karan agrees to also come when Kavya gets a call from her friend Tanya whom she calls asking where is she, Varun is not able to control himself after hearing Kavya and he wonders how can he forget her. Varun is staring at her.

The person asks Sambu as they must go to bring the Parithma of Mata Rani so he should come to help him Karan agrees to go with them when Rajveer coming from behind suggests to even go with them, Karan says why not as they would go bring Mata Rani so they leave, Rajveer stops after seeing Palki entering the Luthra Mansion and they both keep looking at each other when he signals her so she walks into the house and he leaves.

Rakhi informs Preeta where they would prepare for Mata Rani to be seated, preeta agrees saying they would welcome Mata Rani with flowers and the three of them start the preparations. Nidhi comes back when she sees them preparing and so keeps standing there Karina asks Nidhi what is she doing here when she should go to get ready but when Nidhi does not respond then Karina turns to see Preeta working, Nidhi asks if Karina Bua can see what she is able to witness, Karina says she can understand the feelings of Nidhi right now when she replies even then Karina Bua is not doing anything, Nidhi leaves. Karina thinks Nidhi would be feeling very bad as Preeta is standing in her place while no one did anything including her but she promises to do something now.

Kavya invites her friend Tanya to come informing they just donot celebrate the festival but it is worth more and so she welcomes Tanya. Varun looking at Kavya recalls the day when he tried to plead that he is innocent and he swears he would not be able to forget her as she ruined his life, he is staring at her as Kavya walks away.

Shaurya enters with Sunny asking him to come as he would show the Rawan explaining that he really likes the festival as people celebrate when Rawan is burnt, Sunny says it is very big thing. Shaurya replies he becomes a child every time Dahsera comes as he wants to do it himself, Shaurya and Sunny leave when Varun remember how Shaurya slapped him and then threw him out of the house. Varun says Shaurya Luthra is the real Rawan and how can he forget when Shaurya pushed him out of the house as the moment got imprinted I his mind and he swears to not let Shaurya get away. Anshuman coming asks what is he saying, Varun refuses when Anshuman replies he saw how Varun was looking at Shaurya when Varun says how can he let them get away so easily. Anshuman says they have disguised as workers and if they keep standing then would be noticed, Varun says those who hurt them are standing in front of them so he cannot calm down, Anshuman advises him to be in the crowd as no one would notice them when Varun agrees, Anshuman replies they know what to do after that, Varun says he is feeling like a petty criminal, Anshuman replies even he is getting the same feeling but the blast would be very big for the Luthra family to bear, Varun says the way this Luthra family embarrassed him that night and all the slaps and punches he got from them are still in his ears, he vows to bring such a blast that they would remember it for the rest of their life, he vows to make them cry the tears of blood. Anshuman says Preeta is the biggest reason for all the problems and Nidhi rightly said they should cut the roots while Preeta is the root of this house. Varun vows to do it all, Anshuman reveals Varun would not be able to do it after being so personal and he explains they are going to not let Preeta protect this house while till that time she would not be able to do anything, Varun says after that she would die, they both start laughing.

Precap: Rajveer and Shaurya both place the Murti of MataRani, Rakhi says that Rajveer and Shaurya have helped MataRani Virajit on her auspicious position. Anshuman informs Varun that they have made the preparations which everyone would see, they both while looking at Rawan say that tonight the biggest Rawan will burn and along with it would be the occurrence of SeetaHaran.