Kundali Bhagya 17th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Anshuman and Varun reveal the plan to Nidhi


Kundali Bhagya 17th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Preeta is working by herself when Palki enters through the main door and comes to ask preeta if she is decorating the house so explains that she also likes it, preeta asks Palki to let her do some work alone as she might get ruined if Palki continues to pamper her, palki replies then she would pamper Preeta even more so Preeta replies Palki would not understand it, she replies she would be like her shadow. Preeta notices Palki is looking around so tells Palki he is in the room when palki asks what did she mean by it, Preeta says Rajveer is in the room and showing his Kundali to Pandit jee, Palki asks if she should also go when Preeta says she is like her friend so palki must go be with Rajveer as she can handle it by herself. Palki leaves when Preeta sees Karan so asks if he would just keep staring at her when should even come to help her, he asks what help does she need, she says he should put the flowers and Karan replies he was just staring at her but Preeta is stunned when she asks what did he mean by it so he informs her that he is going to put the umbrella upside down, Karan notices that Preeta has given the thal to someone who is smiling while looking at her so he goes to cover her face with the umbrella, the person leaves when Karan wonders why can he still not see anyone looking at Preeta as it makes him jealous, he thinks that love does not have any age so karan starts to smile when Preeta asks the reason, he replies it is just for the moment when she asks what is the real reason. Karan says that he was thinking she would do the decorations again in Diwali and asks why do they celebrate it, preeta says that every child knows it and that Ram jee returned to Ayodhya after fourteen years so they all lit the Diya to welcome him, which is still practised, Karan replies he knows it when she asks why did he ask, he replies he wanted to hear it from her mouth when karan says this Diwali and Dahsera is very special for him but he wants to make it even more specific, Preeta assures they would indeed celebrate it together but asks why id he say this Dahsera is special. Karan replies because someone has also returned to his life after fourteen years who is very special for him and is an integral part of his life, Preeta asks about the person whom she does not know, karan says she knows the person very well and it is herself, Preeta gets stunned so starts looking at him while Karan keeps smiling back at her, he asks her to ask for the answer from her own heart. Karan walks away while Preeta is not able to understand anything and says he must tell her who is the person, Preeta wonders why does Karan always trouble her with the riddles then thinks she has to do a lot of work.

Anshuman threatens to kill Varun before he harms Nidhi, Varun asks if Anshuman would kill him,he warns he would throw the knife if Varun takes a step back, Varun says that Anshuman made him the enemy but should show it to Karan. Anshuman warns Varun is not in his senses so threatens that Nidhi must stay in her limits otherwise he would not take the grantee of Varun in the future, Nidhi replies she is the one who took the grantee of them both but then says he does not have anything not the business nor the respect, so they both are criminals. Varun gets stunned asking who did she call a criminal when Nidhi replies that they should just listen to her. Varun replies that such women are like this, Nidhi replies her name is Nidhi Luthra when Anshuman says that he hates that Luthra name which Nidhi has hit again, he mentions Varun is a mental person and can harm her, Nidhi replies she is not scared so can throw a thousand Varun, h walking to her says he can crush and kill her if she talks rubbish again, Nidhi replies she attained their bail when Anshuman replies she came with her own intentions and she would have let them rot there, Varun once again starts to suffocate her, Nidhi demands Anshuman must interfere but he replies he would not do it again so sit son the chair. Varun replies he will show Nidhi what he can do, she quickly goes to drink water when Varun furiously orders her to get out of his house saying she is the same as Preeta. Nidhi replies Preeta snatches the rights of every person in the house and asks what has preeta not done against her, she starts to think of all thee moments when Preeta stood in front of her, and then she returned saying she is the owner of the Luthra Mansion as Karan Luthra made a deal with her. Nidhi mentions Preeta is the one who saves everyone while she tends to become the savior after which she defeats their enemies, Anshuman replies his enemy is Karan, Nidhi says this is why she said they both donot have any mind to think about it, Nidhi says Preeta was the one who snatched the property from him, but then Preeta asked them to give her all the property after which Anshuman would not be able to do anything, then Anshuman became a fraud and was sent to jail. Nidhi asks if Varun remember his case as the one who followed him was Preeta as she became a detective, then she revealed all of his secrets in front of the Luthra family. Varun remember the day when Preeta told the truth about him to the Luthra family and she even got the confession form his wife, Nidhi blames it was Preeta who got him tortured and thrown out of the family. Varun gets even more furious, Nidhi asks how can they forget it when she became the Ram and made them both the Rawan. Anshuman replies they are not Rawan, Varun says if Nidhi kept talking like this then they would become the Rawan of her life. Nidhi replies the anger in them is due to Preeta who is living a peaceful life in the Luthra family, she says they both should take the revenge from the Ram and not the army, as Preeta is the one who always saves them all but they both should get rid of Preeta first if they want to take the revenge. Anshuman agrees with Nidhi that they should take hold of the king, Varun says he is telling it to Nidhi that she should also give respect to them and he even warns her to not say anything about his parents. Nidhi explains they should forget everything but should be smart while focus on their agenda which is to end Preeta, she explains they both have to do it but she does not care about it. Nidhi makes the promise that she would even help them with the revenge against Rajveer and Karan, she says she would leave them both to decide while advising them to be smart. Varun and Anshuman furiously turn to look at Nidhi, she is going towards the car wondering why have they both not come after her, she thinks she has tried to manipulate them but they are not coming. Nidhi turns to look at them and prays someone should come to stop her, she keeps looking at the rear view mirror thinking they both have become lion and she thinks about dropping the keys as an excuse to wait for a little while.

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Palki enters the house when she does not see anyone but hears thee whistle, she turns back to see Rajveer coming down in the towel and he is also stunned to see Palki, Rajveer tells her that his clothes are there and he asks if he should take it, she signals him to take them but Rajveer is a bit hesitant, Palki slowly turns back as Rajveer is walking towards the clothes, Palki tries to look the other way and is very tensed, Palki turns towards the other direction to walk away but she slips due to the water and is about to fall but Rajveer catches her and then she keeps staring at him he is also just looking at her. Palki looks at his body but then she gets nervous, Rajveer tells Palki that he is not able to look at himself the way she sees him, Palki replies that she does not what also happens to her when she looks at him. Rajveer asks what happens to her, she calls him an idiot when she explains she is not comfortable as it is very awkward, he says their hands when Palki asks what did he mean by it. Rajveer replies he meant that if his hands keep busy then for how long would he stay in the towel, Palki apologizes then he says she should let him go he can wears some clothes, Rajveer runs away but then he drops his towel and she turns back he asks what happened when she replies what should have not happened, he asks why is she looking the other way then he says she is feeling shy looking at him in the towel. Palki replies the towel is also not there and she asks him to look down, but Rajveer starts to scream and she also screams looking at him.

Nidhi gets out of the car to pick the car keys and then she thinks she can hear the sound of someone walking so she opens the car door, Anshuman calls her from behind when she asks why did they stop her, Varun says she would have to stop for them both to make a deal, Nidhi replies she knows that their enemies are related to Preeta whom she wants to get rid off, Varun asks if the decorations have finished, Anshuman also asks if they would hold the Ram Lela at their back yard, Nidhi agrees hearing which both of them start to laugh, Nidhi asks what is the reason for it, Anshuman replies they saw their victory and he says this time their attack would not be in vain while the enemy is going to die, Varun informs they know about their plans, Nidhi asks what is their plan when Varun sas that that he ill tell her this time the enemy would be Darashai and no one would know how it happened. Nidhi then asks what are they going to do, Anshuman says Dehan, Varun mentions Rawan Dehan and they both collectively say Deha, Nidhi is glad hearing it.

Shaurya is walking when he bumps into Palki, he asks if the one who keeps talking about right and wrong does not see the path, he says he got hurt when Palki even makes a sound, Palki warns that Shaurya should have walked where he was going, he replies he was looking but never wanted to talk to her. Palki and Shaurya both get in an argument when Shaurya says Palki needs to get her eyes checked she asks if she should look away but then they both start arguing. Shaurya asks if palki has realized how the people would call her if she wears the glasses, Palki nods when the light passes from her ear rings which teases Shaurya, he asks if she wants to know what he should call her but she says she does not want anything to hear. Shaurya replies she is the most irritating person in his life he replies he has said what he desired but is not interested and so walks away. Palki thinks she should go after him but then stops thinking why should she stay quiet, Palki calls Shaurya spoiled brat, he asks if she called him but she replies she took his name but he did not listen, she says she would have stopped if he called her by the name but she feels his name is the spoiled brat. Shaurya replies he feels Palki is different from the other girls while she has the power to irritate him as they are negative and he can like any other girl but Palki, she replies she was spared when he says she is super annoying and he does not even know why he wastes his time with her, he walks away saying that nothing can happen of her.

Preeta is instructing the decorators when Karina comes explaining that Preeta does not have any memory but still came to this house and she started doing her magic to the family. Karina explains she cannot believe that preeta is acting as if she has complete control over the house, she explains that she gets tensed seeing Preeta and feels something bad is about to happen. Preeta sees Karina so asks if she needs anything which she can bring for her, Karina replies she could not ask anything from preeta as god gave her such a nice family. Preeta asks how did she like the decoration when Karina replies it is just good and had Preeta used her mind then it would have been amazing and says that preeta should next time use her mind a lot so she can praise her. Bani Dadi asks Karina to come with her when Karina says that she knows the reason so Bani Dadi instructs her to come, Karina says that her mom does not love her as she loves Preeta.

Palki is walking when preeta sees her so asks what happened, Palki replies she met the ill mannered boy and explains that Shaurya has really spoiled her mood and he does not understand what someone feels if they behave in such a manner. Preeta asks Palki to not say such things about her son, Preeta says that she would have said it to any other girl when Preeta promises she is on a mission and would surely change him that he will become a simple boy. Palki asks if she feels it can happen when Preeta replies she knows that she would be able to do it after which even Shaurya would become good, Preeta leaves to do her work but Palki says she does not feel it would happen, she is worried.