Kundali Bhagya 16th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Nidhi plans against Preeta with Anshuman and Varun


Kundali Bhagya 16th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Karan is instructing the decorators then he asks his mom how is it looking when Rakhi praises him, karan then points to the location where Ram Lela would be performed and the arrow would also be released from there, Rakhi tells Karan tomorrow Ram jee ended the evil and so made peace, karan replies but still there are a lot of Rawan, Rakhi replies there are even a lot of Ram present who are able to end the evil, Rakhi says this is why they do the Rawan dehan, karan agrees to make them remember that whenever Rawan is born then Shri Ram has come to end him, Rakhi shows the interest to get the same troops who performed the last year, Karan after causing suspense says the same troops have come even this year when Rakhi says that she feels like looking at them over and over again when Karan and Rakhi leave.

Rajveer is smiling with Kavya saying he cannot believe it and this is like the eight wonder when Rajveer says that he has heard the biological mother is able to correct him, Bani Dadi, Karina and Mahesh come when Bani Dadi instructs them to not joke about him, Mahesh says that Shaurya is his Grandson while Rajveer is even like his Grandson and they are not going to like it, Rajveer replies he has never done it nor would cause any problem in this house but he just laughed hearing the story of Shaurya. Karina says a lot of people are trying to control their laugh, Kritika tells Rajveer that she knows Rajveer is not going to do anything of the sort when Mahesh says that he has been raised by Preeta who is very nice which is why he is proud of her. Bani Dadi agrees that this is why she is glad Preeta took the mission Shaurya, Kritika exclaims it is impossible but Bani Dadi says that she feels lively whenever Preeta is around them but used to get the villain feelings around Nidhi who always used to fight with them and was never in a good mood. Karina asks what about all the good things which Nidhi has done for this house in so many years, Kritika says even she gets the same feelings for Nidhi who is like a villain meaning Mogambo, while Kritika says she even has a good name for her which Dr horns. Bani Dadi reveals that Nidhi never stopped Shaurya but always supported him so Shaurya has started getting furious but now she is sure that preeta is going to teach him some manners. Nidhi hearing their conversation exclaims they have made fun of her efforts so now she is going to be a fire ball for them.

Shanaya is shocked in the night asking what did Preeta say, Palki replies it has happened because the way Preeta je taught Shaurya is very amazing, Palki goes to the kitchen explaining the entire Luthra family was stunned, Daljeet asks Shanaya to warn Palki that Preeta must stay away from Shaurya when she is not his real mother, but Preeta has taken the responsibility of Shaurya and when she goes to that house after being married then preeta would even order her so she must be stopped. Palki asks Daljeet what is she saying but Daljeet replies that Shanaya would be married to that house while Nidhi is her real mother in law and if Preeta behaves like this then would remain as the mother in law of Shanaya. Palki says that her mother always thinks bad and this is not right, so she should be a bit positive when Daljeet replies she is thinking right about Shanaya who asks them to stop saying she is not an illiterate girl from village and knows how to behave with everyone. Palki asks if Shanaya does not think that what Preeta je is doing with Shaurya is good when the current behavior of Shaurya is not suitable for a healthy relationship and Nidhi aunti has not been able to teach Shaurya anything otherwise he would not be such a bad person. Shanaya says she has warned Palki to not worry about Shaurya while she would do it and it is her own look out to worry about Shaurya. Palki says that Shanaya is her sister when Shanaya says that Palki should go and tell preeta je to not order Shaurya ad herself while just do it with palki and Rajveer. Palki replies only Preeta je is the one who can teach some manners to Shaurya after which she leaves, Daljeet asks Bi jee if she saw how Palki is behaving as she feels that Palki is not her daughter but just in love of Preeta, she feels this house would be broken if this continues. Shanaya says her mother worries a lot and they should let Palki do whatever she desires as no one from them would do anything according to her desires. Bi jee asks Daljeet and Shanaya to talk with preeta alone while warning her to stay in her limits as she has caused a lot of argument in the house so Daljeet says she feels the would have to talk with her, Bi jee agrees explaining if Shaurya and Nidhi get angry then no one would be able to save Preeta, but do they not know what Nidhi is capable of, Daljeet replies she cannot understand why Nidhi is just acting furious but not doing anything about Preeta and throw her out of the house, Daljeet feels she like she should herself go and tell Nidhi jee, Bi jee agrees that Daljeet must go and tell Nidhi jee.

Rakhi is selecting the dress when Nidhi comes so Rakhi asks if she needs some help, Nidhi replies she thought about doing something alone but was not able to do it so came to her, ndihi asks for how long has she been in this house, Rakhi asks what sort of question is it, Nidhi says she has thought of them all as family but they in return did not think about her, Rakhi questons what happened, Nidhi replies they made Preta the mother of Shaurya in front of her eyes, Rakhi says becuasee Preeta is his mother. Nidhi asks then who is she to him, she knows she did not give birth to Shaurya but forgot it because she loved him so much and now Preeta is ordering Shaurya while he is also accepting it so how can she see Preeta taking her place. Rakhi replies they just have to earn their place and the entire Luthra family loves her because Preeta loved them a lot, Nidhi says she is a women and even a mother but how would Rakhi feel if someone else was made the mother of her children, Rakhi replies that both of her sons are not ill mannered but if there was someone capable of doing it then she would have agreed, Rakhi says Nidhi failed in raising Shaurya. Nidhi replies that Rakhi maa is questioning her up bringing, Rakhi says she is just saying that if Nidhi had stopped Shaurya in his childhood then no one would be questioning her, Nidhi says she does not want any lecture from Rakhi as she cannot hide her mistakes by blaming her and Preeta is sitting as a mother of Shaurya only because of her. Karan coming from behind explains Nidhi failed as a mother when she had so many years, but Nidhi did not give him any good teachings nor manners which is why Maa had to give this right to Preeta, Rakhi replies that she did not give anyone the right of others but Preeta is the mother of Shaurya so she got the responsibility to teach him, Rakhi says Preeta is the mother of Shaurya so it is her motherhood, asking how Nidhi would say that Shaurya is young and no one can teach him but now Preeta came in front of him and he does whatever she asks him to do because they both have a Karmic connection which preeta might have forgotten but not the universe which is why Shaurya listens to everything that she says as she is his mother, Nidhi says Rakhi as a mother is very soft and kind hearted but does Rakhi not think she has hurt her feelings by saying these words, karan warns Nidhi to shutup saying he would not hear such words against his mother so asks her to apologize, Nidhi asks if they all cannot understand what she is feeling and they should be the ones to apologize to her, Rakhi stops karan saying he should let it be, Karan demands Nidhi must apologize but she keeps looking at him but then furiously walks out of the room after saying sorry. Rakhi sits on the bed telling karan that she feels very bad for Nidhi today, she can understand her feelings as they both have hurt her a lot today hen she has given so many years to this house and family. Rakhi asks if she did the right thing, karan replies they both are doing the right thing as only preeta can teach Shaurya the manners, and it is the universe which has brought the mother and son together due to which the relation is very strong, he says Nidhi wants to ruin it but he is not going to let it happen and Shaurya would surely learn his manner.s Nidhi hearing their conversation thinks Karan should think how she manages to end this string and he must wait to see, she gets a call from Arohi and thinks she might have come.

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Nidhi is waiting when Arohi comes saying she arrived, Nidhi asks if Anshuman Panday and Varun would get the bail tomorrow when Arohi says that their lawyer is a very good and he assured they would be released tomorrow so she must relax, Nidhi replies her life is hell and Arohi knows she never got any respect in this house but just had the right to be the mother of Shaurya but they have even given it to Preeta. Arohi says they had talked of it and she should relax, Nidhis ays her life is hell but she felt that Rakhi maa had just said it but Preeta wants to be the mother of Shaurya and he came to have food while she kept telling him what he should eat, she got shocked as HSaurya listened to everyhting Preeta said while the enitre family was just standing there. Nidhi goes to sit on the swing, Arohi sits beside her when Nidhi replies she thought Rakhi maa would understand her but no one believes her and then karan came there while blamed her for being the reason that Shaurya is like this, no one understands how bad she feels when they all blame her for it all, she does not have the right of being the mother of Shaurya. Arohi assures they would sort out everything one by one, nidhi says she felt she would be able to do it and told Shaurya who promised to do it all but he was not able to do anything, while now it is time and she ahs to take the things in her own had she will hersld do it all. Nidhi says she would go to meet Anshuman and Varun, Arohi informs Nidhi must reach at exactly twelve so she says everything would be fine.

In the morning Preeta tells Garesh it is looking good but asks if he does not feel the flowers are a bit less so asks him to add some more while even that of lightning. Rakhi comes asking Preeta what is she doing, she replies that she felt the house should also be decorated due to the pooja while their heart even feels lively. Rakhi replies she indeed feels this house has gotten the Vardhan, preeta explains they would perform the pooja while go to watch the Ram Lela but it is important they should have the pooja in the house as it means that the house becomes pure and the Devi and Devta give their blessings. Karan agrees that the good things happen with the Lakshmi of the house which are the daughter in laws of the family and their relations are kept strong with the daughter in law, he says one day they both would return to this house, Karan keeps staring at Preeta who is smiling while talking to Rakhi. She says that Ram jee has come to this house with Preeta, just as Ram jee ended Rawan then people celebrated Dashera, which is why they say Ram jee taught everyone. Rakhi says Preeta is showing everyone the right path and meaning of life so she is telling the truth that meaning of relations has changed with the arrival of Preeta that they all are in the same line. Preeta asks if Rakhi maa does not think she is praising her a lot, karan says that Preeta is worthy of praise and she is the one who would be able to keep everyone in check and manners while thee entire house is saying the same thing, which is the name of Preeta. Nidhi standing behind Karan is stunned to hear it, she angrily looks at Preeta before turning back at karan. Nidhi walks away.

Varun and Anshuman are sitting at the house, Nidhi comes asking are they both feeling right now and then Anshuman asks who does not feel good after being released. Arohi leaves after telling Nidhi she is getting late so asks Nidhi to carry on. Nidhi asks if they both remember their promise when she got the bail for them and now they should make sure Preeta is removed from her life, Varun says she did not do any charity but wants her revenge, Anshuman explains that Nidhi did it to get their help, she replies she helped them but now it is their turn Nidhi gets a call so leaves, she is talking with Rakhi mom so says she will return very soon after getting some things for Dahsera. Varun walks to stand in front of Mr Panday asking fi this women cancel their bail, Anshuman replies that bail cannot get cancled when Varuns ays he wants to first take rvenege from Palki and Rajveer who has ruined his plans, anshuman says he want sto first take revnege from Karan who has bankrupt him. Anshuman says that Varun wants to take revenge from Palki and Rajveer while h from karan so they both should help each other. Nidhi asks what is going on when she got the bail so they can take her revenge, she says her life has been ruined when everyone around her does not have any mind, she calls both Varun and Anshuman mindless, explaining Prithvi used to just roam around Preeta but all of his plans failed and if they donot focus on it. Nidhi says the same happened with his mother Sherlin but she was also not able to do anything while Varun is the same as them both, Varun furiously asks how did Nidhi are say anything against his parents, he threatens to kill her as his parents did not get their rights, Anshuman warns Varun to leave Nidhi asking if he got mad but Varun does not let go of her but only leaves when Anshuman threatens if Varun wants to go back to jail, Varun says he would kill the person who says anything against his parents but this women has been saying bad about them, Nidhi slaps him saying that his parents were the same, Varun once again pushes Nidhi against the wall when Anshuman says that Nidhi has attained their bail but Varun is just trying to hurt her, Varun says Anshuman should make her stop, Nidhi keeps blaming Varun when Anshuman asks her to stay in thee present but Nidhi replies that she just spoke the truth. Varun once again tries to hurt Nidhi but Anshuman pulls a knife saying he would kill Varun before he can do anything, Varun is stunned.

Precap: Preeta asks Karan why did he say he wants to make this festival in a special manner, karan replies because someone has also returned to his life after fourteen years who is special. Nidhi asks what are they planning to do, Anshuman says they plan to do the Dehan, Varun says Rawan Dehan. Nidhi starts to smile.