Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 7th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Meghnath plans to kill Bhim Rao


Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 7th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Bhim Rao is asking the people to read their newspaper which has the news regarding to their society along with everyone else of their group who are busy in selling the newspaper, they all have a smile on their face as the newspapers are being sold, Shishupal says that more newspapers have bee sold when Sethji says that if they write on the issues relating to the public then more people would buy it, Sethji suggests they should go back home when Shishupal says they should go and convince people to learn, Puran asks who would teach them, Bhim says that he along with Sethji and Shishupal would teach the men while Shamla and Rama would teach the women, Deepak asks when did they decide it, Bhim says it happened last night as he saw Shoba trying to read the newspaper but then Deepak asked her to read it. Sethji tells Bhim that if their newspaper was sold more then yesterday then it is obvious then that of Meghnath would not have been sold more so he would be very furious.

Meghnath slaps the worker asking how did it happen when the worker informs that people say the newspaper of Bhim Rao has news regarding their issues, Meghnath replies he does not know but the newspaper should be sold, Rama says she can suggest a way by which the newspaper would be sol so informs even Meghnath should write about the problems relating to the people then both of their newspaper would be sold. Meghnath asks Rama to leave when Shishupal coming from behind explains if these people learn how to read then Meghnath would get at least four more buyers for his newspaper, Shishupal replies that he along with Bhim and Rama will start an education platform to teach everyone. Meghnath starts laughing, Shishupal replies when Deepak says the same thing to his mother then she will start crying.

Deepak runs to Shoba saying that Bhim has decided to teach older people like her how to read as he saw her trying to read the newspaper when Shoba gets emotional. Meghnath says Shoba is mad for thinking she can learn it and no one is going to come, Rama asks why does Meghnath reach to conclusions when she knows that people like him will be more in numbers but there are also going to be people like Shoba after which they will surely become successful. Shishupal says that if this desire becomes successful then it would be something which Meghnath cannot even think about. Meghnath replies he does not even have time to think and warns Rama to not give advice, Rama replies it is good to give proper advice and she will keep doing it. Meghnath is furious, he orders the people to come and warn the people of the upper class regarding the new plan of Bhim Rao and his followers, he thinks they all are screaming so he has to kill the Mahanyak, if everything would get better by getting the blood on his hands then he is fine by it.

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Shoba is crying thinking Bhim thinks so much as he thought about teachings others just by looking at her, Phuliya asks what is Shoba saying that Bhim will teach everyone, she asks them all to hear so calls Manohar and Janardhan explaining now Bhim Rao will teach the older people of every class. Jokhu says Bhim has to do it as he will only get peace. Manohar says he will not let anyone study, Meera says he is a weird person as what is wrong if anyone tries to learn, Jokhu says they have seen that people become Bhim Rao so it is the most problem of their life. Shoba says then she is ready to become Bhim Rao after being educated, Ramji asks Shoba to not be so furious as they can do whatever they desire while they will focus. Manohar says Phuliya should not be worried as no one will come because at such difficult times who will come to study.

Shishupal says he has told his father and he knows his father would surely send his men before them, Bhim replies this is what he wanted as them people would get to know what they plan on doing, Sethji says but it will turn the people against them when this will just make them become more intrigued.

Rama and lakshmi are working when Rama tells everyone about their plan to educate the people after their work, the workers start laughing at Rama when the workers say how will they come to study after getting tired, Karuna also asks Rama to just focus on the work because if they have to do the same work even after being educated then what is the need to study.

Bhim is sitting thinking about his plan to educate people and then told them that he would find the place to educate them. Deepak comes bringing the food for Bhim, Deepak asks Bhim a question that would all the women and men come together in the same place, Ramji entering even he had the same questions she thought why would the women of the upper class come to learn from Rama and Shamla. Bhim standing says he feels they should even think about the truth and when two people of the different class come and learn in the same place then by being together raises the desire to stay together, Ramji asks how will he bring the people, Bhim says he feels he would go and talk with people of the different societies in the night because if he does it for even a few days then it will make sure some people will come, Jokhu hears their conversation so goes to inform Meghnath about it who says they should kill Bhim in the night as tonight would be his last day.

In the night Bhim Rao advises his supporters regarding the plan when Jokhu exclaims Bhim Rao would not be able to come back today, Bhim says they should believe that sometimes the destination is far away but they have to keep walking for it, everyone else agrees with Bhim so they all walk out of the Chawl.