Bigg Boss 17 Drama Unfolds: Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain’s Tiff, Mannara Chopra’s Struggles Continue

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The latest episode of Bigg Boss 17 brought forth a wave of drama and controversy, featuring clashes involving Mannara Chopra’s spat with Munawar Faruqui, Anurag’s heated argument with Mannara, and more. A fresh promo teased a showdown between Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain, where Ankita becomes upset as Vicky continuously consoles Mannara Chopra.

Mannara Chopra has encountered a challenging time in the show, particularly after her recent fallout with close ally Munawar Faruqui. Expressing her discontent, she highlighted her unhappiness with Munawar’s support for Ayesha Khan. Tensions escalated between Mannara and Munawar after the latter, in a fit of anger, damaged Bigg Boss property, resulting in a bleeding finger. Several housemates, including Vicky, offered consolation to Mannara Chopra.

Ankita confronted Vicky, stating, “All day I see you checking on Mannara, asking if she’s okay, ensuring everything is fine with her, but my life also has numerous problems. You never consoled me this much, so what’s this?” Despite Vicky’s attempts to clarify, Ankita refused to engage in conversation with him.

Later, when Vicky questioned her about her unusual behavior, Ankita coldly replied, “Just leave.” Vicky, visibly upset, retorted, “You shouldn’t talk to me like this, especially on national TV.” Another teaser showcased Mannara confronting Munawar about his behavior, questioning his inclination toward supporting Ayesha Khan over understanding her perspective. However, their conversation turned sour, with neither party willing to see eye-to-eye.

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