Bigg Boss 17 1st January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News
Day 78
8 AM
The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it.
12:30 PM
Anurag tells Mannara that Munawar was telling that he was a girlfriend outside but he didn’t think that his and her family is watching the show? he should think about this character.
Munawar tells Abhishek that Mannara is my friend but I have to set a boundary with her.
1 PM
Anurag tells Abhishek that no one will nominate Ankita. Abhishek says Vicky has to be nominated too. Anurag says if the game will change if he goes? Abhishek says yes but not if Samarth leaves.
2 PM
Vicky tells Anurag that you could have at least worked hard in the game for your fans. Anurag asks who should win? Vicky says anyone other than you because you never put in effort in the game. Anurag says you are just insecure, Munawar says I don’t want to be a part of it, I believe Vicky in this but I don’t want to corner him. Anurag says you are just insecure and use girls that isn’t me. Munawar says keep sleeping. Samarth tells Anurag to stop talking about other girls.
Vicky tells Anurag that he can’t do much in the game. Munawar says he will wake up in the finale only. Anurag says you are waiting for Ayesha to come back. Munawar says you said that Ayesha as a friend doesn’t suffocate you. Mannara says really? Anurag says he is lying.
3 PM
Isha tells Anurag that you are bringing up Munawar’s relationship which is wrong.
Munawar tells Mannara that his bedroom issues are public now so he doesn’t care anymore. Mannara asks what’s his status with Abhishek? He says its complicated, I can only trust Ankita and no one else in this game. She is the only one who I can trust.
Ankita tells Abhishek that she faced so much social media bullying. Munawar says people link you up with others and you can’t do much. Ankita says I couldn’t do anything, we broke up and I was all lost. He moved on in life and I couldn’t. Sushant’s family is very educated and highly intelligent people. Sushant was so smart. I couldn’t see him after he was gone and all his smartness gone with him. Something broke him from inside that he lost all will. She gets emotional so Munawar hugs her.
7 PM
Ayesha comes back in the house, Isha and others rush to her. Vicky says she has lost weight. Ankita hugs her and asks her to meet with Munawar. Ayesha ignores him.
7:45 PM
Ankita asks Munawar to make some tea and khidchi for Ayesha. She tells her that she would make it for herself. Anurag tells Mannara that if Ayesha gets fooled by Munawar again then she is a real fool. He was laughing after Ayesha left, he was happy that she was gone. He didn’t want her to be back.
9 PM
Ayesha tells Abhishek that Munawar is such a liar, he was giving me hints that he likes me and wants to do things in a halal way and then he denied in front of Salman. He just wants sympathy.
Ayesha tells Mannara that this man has no emotions. Anurag says he was smiling after you left, I saw that he was happy to see you gone.
Ankita tells Ayesha that Anurag is lying, he wasn’t laughing when Ayesha left. Munawar says he is a liar so I don’t care what he says. Ankita tells Mannara to stop letting Anurag tell lies to Ayesha. Munawar says he is useless. Mannara tells Ayesha to not trust anyone here. Munawar tells Anurag to get lost, I am not a coward like you. Ankita tells Anurag to stop lying and provoking people against each other. She tells Ayesha that I never took Munawar’s side when he was wrong. Anurag says she wants to make bonds on every side. Ankita takes Ayesha aside and tells her to not believe everyone here. Abhishek tells them to end it all. Anurag says Munawar choked now.
2 AM
Isha is joking around with Vicky. Ankita comes there and asks Vicky to come and sleep with her. Mannara wishes him luck and he goes with Ankita.
2:15 AM
Vicky tells Ankita that I would have come to sleep with you but you could have been nicer. Ankita says I was just asking you to come and sleep with me.
Day 79
8:15 AM
Ayesha tells Abhishek that Vicky is very smart. She says I wouldn’t be fooled by Munawar again. He asks who she wants to eliminate? She says Vicky and Anurag but he has a fanbase, people against Munawar are supporting him too. Samarth tells Arun that Abhishek is trying to butter up Ayesha now.
Anurag is in the bed so the alarm plays. Munawar tries talking to Ayesha but she ignores him.
2 PM
Mannara tells Samarth to support her in the nominations. Bigg Boss asks Mannara if she wants to be a captain now or should he tell her the importance of captaincy? Bigg Boss tells the inmates that current and ex-captains will have a right to nominate for elimination this week. It means only Aoora, Isha, and Munawar would nominate 3 inmates this week. They will give one name each and they would be nominated. Aoora can’t be nominated this week.
Munawar: He nominates Anurag as he doesn’t do much in the game and his points are baseless. He keeps bringing up my son in fights too.
Isha: She nominates Ayesha as she is new and others are more deserving.
Aoora: He nominates Abhishek as he doesn’t do much duties.
Bigg Boss says Abhishek, Anurag and Ayesha are nominated. Anurag tells Munawar that he will show him how deserving he is to be here, you play kids’ games with girls and think you are doing a lot in the game? Munawar says you just focus on giving milage but you can’t. Mannara taunts Abhishek that he chose Aoora over her in the captaincy task but he gave them taste of their own medicine. She tells Munawar that it was a mic drop for you all. Samarth asks Isha why did she nominate Ayesha? you didn’t have a reason to nominate Abhishek but Ayesha? Isha says I forget old reasons. Mannara taunts Munawar that he wants to save his friend Abhishek by making Aoora the captain but see what happened, it all turned on you. Aoora did a mic drop.
Munawar tells Ankita that it was a pension plan for ex-captains today.
3:15 PM
Vicky tells Anurag that he isn’t deserving to be here. Anurag says you think I am a ******. Samarth says he is useless, just keep sleeping or go out to ride your bike. Munawar says he is crying now. Anurag says you just keep playing games with girls. Munawar says at least I am doing something. You got cancelled 2 times already. Munawar tells him to get lost. Samarth tells Anurag that he is stuck now, you are useless and crying for nothing.
Vicky tells Ayesha that Anurag doesn’t do anything in the game and says he is deserving to be here? He has so much ego because of his fans.
Samarth tells Anurag that you have no standard to even talk to him.
Isha tells Samarth to stop confronting her, she is feeling bad for nominating Ayesha now. Samarth says I didn’t like you talking to Abhishek but you didn’t listen to me. Isha says I just talked to him normally. Samarth says you can’t stop yourself from going to him.
Ayesha tells Anurag that I didn’t understand Isha nominating me.
4 PM
Bigg Boss says its time to make the house less crowded so there will be a mid-week elimination from the current nominated inmates only. Each inmate will nominate one inmate they want to eliminate between Anurag, Ayesha and Abhishek. He asks them to come to the activity area.
Ayesha, Abhishek and Anurag go to the activity area. Bigg Boss says one of you will leave the house today. They tie shock band to their hands and Bigg Boss says whenever an inmate nominate you then you will feel a shock and the person with most shocks will be eliminated today. I will call the inmates one by one. He calls Mannara.
Mannara: She says I think Abhishek is undeserving to be the game, he is not trustworthy and didn’t do good with Isha. Abhishek feels the shock.
Arun: He says Anurag is undeserving as he is too egoistic and doesn’t do much in the game. Anurag feels the shock.
Ankita: She says Anurag is arrogant and doesn’t perform in the show so I want to nominate him. Anurag feels the shock. He says I didn’t expect this from Ankita.
Samarth: He says Anurag is undeserving in the game. Anurag feels the shock.
Vicky: He says all people are more deserving than Anurag here. He should be nominated so I am going to nominate him. Anurag feels the shock and says Aoora is most deserving here? wow.
Bigg Boss tells Anurag that most of the inmates think you are undeserving of this show so you are being eliminated. Anurag says I will miss Mannara. He hugs Abhishek and Ayesha, he leaves from the show. Mannara cries and says I will miss him.
5 PM
Munawar congratulates Ayesha and says people think you are deserving to be here.
Mannara is crying and says I didn’t want Anurag to leave, people really think Abhishek deserves to be here. Munawar says Anurag had no game. Mannara says he was under depression too. Munawar says he has said mean things to me so I don’t feel anything for him.
6 PM
Mannara tells Munawar that she would have nominated Ayesha but you like her so I didn’t nominate her and she deserves a second chance and Abhishek is not a good company for you. Ayesha comes there and says you didn’t nominate me because of Munawar only? Mannara says I also said that you deserve a second chance. Ayesha says he feels for a lot of girls so don’t save me because of that reason only. I didn’t come here for limelight from him.
6:30 PM
Isha tells Samarth that she doesn’t try to talk to Abhishek, it happened mistakenly. Samarth says then don’t talk to him, he angrily leaves. Munawar comes there and consoles her.
8:15 PM
Munawar is joking around with Mannara. Ayesha tells Abhishek that Anurag wanted us to take care of Mannara but she doesn’t care that he left, she is laughing with his enemies.
Isha tells Mannara that Munawar’s journey had nothing special in BB, he had a big name because of his other show.
Ayesha tells Abhishek that Isha keeps fooling Ankita and she is being nice so she listens to her. If she goes against Isha like she did with Anurag then she can be a winner easily.
8:30 PM
Arun tells Aoora that Abhishek is not doing his duties. Aoora goes to Abhishek and asks him to do his duty but he says I won’t do any duty now as you nominated me without any reason. Aoora says no duty? Ayesha says don’t do this with Aoora, Aoora pulls the blanket from Ayesha and throws it on her face, he angrily leaves. Ayesha says he hit me in the face with the blanket. Aoora tells Isha that Abhishek is not doing his duty. Ayesha says Aoora threw a blanket on me, what is wrong with him? Aoora says I don’t understand, you both were badmouthing about me. Abhishek says Aoora was wrong. Aoora says they were saying bad words about me. Ayesha says he can’t throw a blanket on me, this is wrong. Vicky says we should ask him first. Ayesha says its wrong. Ankita tells Aoora that he shouldn’t have done that. Munawar tells Aoora that Ayesha was telling Abhishek to do his duty but you misunderstood her. Aoora apologizes to Ayesha, she says I was speaking in your support. He says I am sorry.
8:45 PM
Ankita reads about a task in which there will be 3 teams.
Team A – Aoora, Abhishek, Arun
Team B – Samarth, Isha, Mannara
Team C – Vicky, Ankita, Munawar
Ayesha will be the judge of the task. You have to make the other team’s toilet dirty and the team have to clean it using the cleaner. Ayesha will announce the winner who has the cleanest toilet.
The task starts and the inmates start cleaning their toilets and making other’s toilet dirty. Isha tries to protect her toilet from Vicky.
9:15 PM
Ayesha is judging the task and tells Aoora to use clean water to clean his toilet.
Ayesha checks all toilets and announces Team B as the winner. Samarth, Isha and Mannara get the hamper.
1 AM
Ayesha tells Munawar that she feels like she is talking to a different person now. Munawar says you are taunting me? Ayesha says you seem like a stranger now. He starts singing, she says enough of it.
Update in Progress PRECAP – Abhishek nominates Samarth in the task. Munawar nominates Arun as he is not involved in the game much. Arun nominates Munawar and says his game is zero. Arun and Munawar argue with each other. Abhishek argues with Samarth and Isha. Isha says you are fake, even your father knows that. Abhishek shouts to not go on his father.