Bigg Boss 17 18th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News
Day 95
5 PM
Bigg Boss tells Mannara, Munawar, Abhishek and Arun that they become the first contestants to reach the finale week. Ankita tries to leave so Mannara taunts that she doesn’t have patience anymore. Ankita says if you had guts then you should have played, you all are cowards. Abhishek says you all were called unethical. Isha says don’t charge at me, your ego will break here only. Vicky tells Munawar that he didn’t expect this from him but this is his reality.
Ankita says Munawar is a coward, he is a coward cat, get lost. Munawar says wow. Isha tells Mannara that she couldn’t play on her own for the whole season and needed Munawar till the end. Mannara says she has gone crazy. Vicky tells Arun that you didn’t deserve this, you are a coward.
5 PM
Mannara tells Isha that she is going crazy after losing. Isha tells her to get lost, you are a coward. Arun hugs Munawar and congratulates him. Isha tells Mannara that she used to backbite about Abhishek and now he is your best friend? you just use a sympathy card, get lost. You are characterless.
5:30 PM
Ankita tells Isha that Munawar woke up in the 15th week and now boasting about it. Munawar says they are hurt. Vicky says he is useless. Ankita says Munawar is cheap. Arun brings coldrink to enjoy with his team. Isha tells Ankita that they didn’t do anything wrong to protect themselves in the task. Vicky tells Munawar that he is not man enough. Ankita says Manna is so fake, Isha says she reached here holding others back. Ankita says she is going to sit Munawar’s lap again but she won’t win the trophy like this. Isha says she reached by being their slave. Mannara says as if you people are genuine.
5:45 PM
Munawar tells Abhishek that he was silent because he knew they would get in trouble because of their loopholes. Mannara says whenever Vicky makes strategies, he fails.
Ankita hugs Vicky and says Munawar has hurt me so much. Isha says they are not loyal to anyone. They knew we would win.
6 PM
Mannara taunts Vicky that his socks are nice. Ankita says go and wash their undies. Vicky tells Mannara that he doesn’t like her anymore but she is deserving. Ankita tells Vicky to not tell her she is fine. You are looking bad now, we are fighting with her and you call her deserving. Isha says she reached the finale by holding Munawar’s back. Ankita tells Vicky to stand up for his self-respect, she doesn’t deserve to be in the finale so don’t contradict me. Mannara tells Isha that you put me 1st before in a task but now you changed? Isha says because you are fake and I realized that. Mannara says you all are just jealous. Vicky says you all are losers. Ankita mimics her making faces. Mannara says your husband used to like me. Abhishek brings water for Mannara, she thanks him and says these are real relationships. Ankita says she is such a coward and a wannabe. Mannara says I am in demand, everyone wants me in their team. Isha says you are sh*t. Abhishek says don’t call her all that. Mannara says I work hard to earn. Ayesha says don’t say all that, we all earn with respect too.
6:15 PM
Mannara tells Vicky to eat something as the other 3 girls will suck the life out of him. Vicky says just don’t be friends with Abhishek, he is not worthy of a friend like you. She says I know.
7 PM
Ankita taunts Arun that he was so scared of them that he didn’t play the task? Arun says you people were unethical. Ankita says I am not talking to you anymore. She taunts Mannara that she is useless. Mannara says you are not loyal to anyone genuinely. Arun says Ankita is just insecure.
7:45 PM
Munawar tells Ayesha that he wants to talk to her, she asks what? she goes with him. Munawar tells Ayesha that I didn’t like Vicky bringing you up in our fight, he taunted Mannara too. I don’t want to bring you up in my fights with him. I didn’t bring you up but he did. Ayesha says I can’t stop anyone from taking my name. Munawar says I just wanted to clarify that I didn’t bring you up. She nods and leaves.
Abhishek tells Munawar to not get closer to Ayesha again, he says I know.
Isha taunts Mannara that she needs Munawar’s finger to walk.
9:15 PM
Mannara comes to Abhishek and Munawar, she says Isha is taunting me so much. They are obsessed with me. Munawar says just ignore them.
Isha tells Ankita that I am happy with my journey, people have reached the finale week on other’s backs. People have played the victim card so much. Mannara hears all that and leaves. Isha tells Vicky that Abhishek reached the finale using violence. He was saying that I am attacking him but look at his journey.
10 PM
Ankita reads the instructions in which Mannara, Munawar, Abhishek and Arun can get coldrinks as they are in the finale week. They all thank BB.
10:30 PM
Mannara tells Arun that Munawar keeps flipping every week. Arun says just be cautious with him. Mannara says he is very commercial and not loyal to anyone. He fought with Vicky to be seen only.
Day 96
8 AM
The inmates wake up to BB anthem, they all dance to it. Ankita taunts Mannara to be happy now. Mannara says I am unlike you. Ankita says oh crybaby.
3:30 PM
Ankita reads the task in which there will be two teams.
Team A – Ankita, Vicky
Team B – Munawar, Arun
Abhishek and Mannara will be judges of the task. In the task, Vicky and Ankita will be parents of a doll, Ayesha is a salesperson who has to sell washroom cleaning liquid to them. In team B, Munawar and Arun will be bachelors and taking care of their fake pet. Isha will be their salesperson and try to sell the same liquid to them. The salespersons have to pitch for their liquids and both teams have to use it to clean their tiles. Whichever team performs better as per Abhishek and Mannara will win the task.
3:45 PM
Ankita and Vicky are acting like parents. Ayesha tries to sell liquid to them and flirts with Vicky. Ankita says what’s going on? Ayesha says this liquid will clean their minds. Vicky buys the liquid from her. They clean the tile using the liquid.
Munawar and Arun play in the task. Isha tries to sell liquid to them. Munawar names his pet Chintu and Abhishek laughs. Isha says take care of him then and use my liquid. she cleans the tile for them.
Mannara and Abhishek announce team B as winners so Munawar, Isha and Arun win.
8:45 PM
Ankita asks Vicky what is he taking from the show? He says people will recognize me now? She says sure. Munawar jokes with Abhishek that he is finally giving time to Ankita. Ankita tells Vicky that he used to talk differently with her before. He asks how? she says nothing. She says we have to be polite towards each other. We have understood where we went wrong but now we know that my reaction changes things between us but I love you. Vicky hugs her. Abhishek tells Munawar that they don’t have a bond as husband and wife. Ankita tells Vicky that he is the best husband.
10:30 PM
Vicky asks Mannara what is she up to? She says I am going to sleep after making so many enemies. Vicky asks if she misses anyone from the show? Mannara says no, everyone was fake. Ankita calls Vicky so Mannara says I expected that so go there. Vicky says you think you won’t be friends with Isha now? Mannara says no, she has changed completely after Samarth left. Vicky goes from there.
Vicky asks Ankita if he did anything wrong? She says no. Vicky says you were giving me a look when I was talking to Mannara. She says not at all.
Mannara tells Abhishek that Isha is such a b*tch, how did you bear her? He says she is nice. Mannara says yes, she is focused in her game, she is not as emotional as me. Abhishek says she is practical but she does have something that’s why 2 guys were crazy about her. I like her habits still.
11:15 PM
Ankita sits with Ayesha, Isha and Vicky. Ankita says Mannara taunted me saying I had plastic surgery. Vicky says I am bored with this topic. Isha says haven’t you seen what Mannara has said? Ankita tells Vicky to go and sit with Mannara, don’t take her side. Ayesha tells Vicky that he shouldn’t be defensive about Mannara. Vicky says I just want to discuss Mannara anymore. Ankita says you are taking her side, you are talking to her which is fine. Good for you but there will be reactions outside to this. Vicky says you are saying that. Isha says she was taunting Ankita on plastic surgery, are you okay with that? Ankita says I am trying to not fight with Vicky but I have an opinion so don’t judge me on that. Isha says Ankita has finally reacted to Mannara because she has been patient for 12 weeks. Vicky says how can I avoid all this? Ankita’s tone was wrong too with Mannara, I don’t like all this. Isha says why are you both fighting because of her? Vicky says I don’t like Ankita’s reaction like this. Isha says please don’t fight now. She tells Vicky that he shouldn’t be taking Mannara’s side. Vicky says I just want to stop all this we have 8 days remaining. Ankita says I don’t interfere in your fights so don’t interfere in mine. Ankita tells Vicky that he could have avoided Mannara after the fight but he didn’t. Vicky laughs and says what’s this reaction? Ankita cries and angrily leaves. Isha tells Vicky that he shouldn’t have laughed at her. Vicky goes to check on Ankita.
Ankita cries so Vicky and Isha go to her. Vicky asks what happened now? She tells Vicky that she has lost all confidence with him, she feels like he laughs behind her back when I try to give my point. I am the wrongest person you got married to. Vicky says you are overreacting. Ankita says I am unable to speak up because you start laughing at me and suppressing my point of view. I am trying to not fight with you but look at your reaction. You have a point of view in everything but I can’t? just don’t talk to me. She tells Isha that I feel like I am stupid because you both don’t listen to me when I talk. Isha says I was taking your side. Vicky leaves from there. Ankita tells Isha that you both laughed at my opinion, was I joking? he is my husband and laughing at me?
Munawar asks Vicky what happened? Vicky says it was our own topic, let her calm down.
Ankita tells Isha that I am trying to balance with Vicky, I don’t want to fight in front of others but he has made a joke out of me. Vicky comes there so Ayesha says let them talk but Ankita says no, you both can stay here. Ankita tells Vicky that she is trying to hide their issues, you don’t give respect to my opinions. Vicky says you really think so? Ankita says what you want to do? I am not comfortable sharing my opinion in front of you.
Munawar tells Abhishek that husband and wife can solve anything here. Vicky can handle all issues here but can’t handle his wife? they have to spend life together and they can’t like this. Vicky’s minus point is that he gives attention to everyone else but not as much to Ankita.
Ankita tells Vicky that she can’t handle him laughing at her. Isha says he wasn’t laughing at you. Ankita tells Vicky that she feels very low in front of him, like her point of view is stupid that’s why he laughs at her.
Ayesha tells Isha that Vicky shouldn’t be justifying Mannara’s side, he was wrong. He doesn’t let Ankita speak up which isn’t right. Isha says I don’t like seeing them fight like this.
Ankita cries and tells Vicky that she is looking insecure and she is hating it. Something is wrong with her, please help me. Vicky hugs her and says what can I do now? Ankita says just leave me alone. Vicky says what have I done wrong? I have always stood up for you. I never question you when you give time to Munawar. Ankita says I feel like you listen to Isha more, if I say the same thing then you don’t listen. I feel like my husband doesn’t listen to me, trust me but everyone else. I feel like I am being very low for you, its not good for me. Vicky hugs her and says its okay. I am sorry if I did anything wrong, I swear I understand you.
12:15 AM
Mannara tells Arun that you were also thinking to not attack girls in the task. I didn’t want to attack Ayesha because she might faint. Ayesha says don’t talk about me. Mannara says I am talking generally. Ayesha says you were talking about my fainting. Don’t talk about my health. Mannara says leave me alone. Ayesha says don’t talk about me, stop pretending to be nice. You are making fun of my health? Mannara says I wasn’t. I was talking generally. Munawar asks what happened? Ayesha says she was talking about my fainting, I don’t want that because my mom is joking. Arun says she wasn’t joking about your health. Abhishek says you make fun of her expressions too. Ayesha says its about my health. I told her calmly to not talk about me. Mannara shouts that she just wants to fight every day. Munawar says she was just talking generally. Ayesha tells Mannara that she told her nicely to not talk about her. Arun tells Mannara that they didn’t show mercy on us so to hell with them. Ayesha says do I misbehave with you? Arun says to hell with you people. Mannara shouts that Ayesha just wants to create a scene. Munawar tells Mannara to not talk about her fainting in front of her that’s why she reacted. Mannara says then she could have ignored me. Isha says Mannara reached the finale using 3 other people and now talking about others’ health. Abhishek says Isha is looking wannabe.
Mannara tells Arun that I wasn’t even talking about Ayesha’s health, they are all crazy.
12:30 AM
Mannara taunts Ayesha that she is useless here. Ayesha says get lost. Mannara says I will send you out of the house, you are a vulnerable girl in this house. Ayesha says what’s wrong with that? you are not mature. Mannara says you are a part of the bad crowd. Mannara says the nation decided on your issue with Munawar. Munawar says don’t bring me up. Mannara says Ankita and you people just attack in groups. Khanzaadi was much better than Ayesha. Ayesha says you are going to decide that? Mannara says you people just want footage from Munawar. You keep running behind him but he doesn’t give you footage so you came running to me. Ayesha says you were making fun of my health. Your name is even fake so what I can say, you have no individual game. Mannara says I am the only girl in the finale week so keep burning up. Munawar tells Mannara and Ayesha to stop it. Ayesha says why? she keep taunting me.
1 AM
Ayesha goes to Mannara so Munawar says please don’t start again. Ayesha says I just came to check on Arun, if he is okay as he cared about my health so much. Arun says wow. Arun says they don’t know who is going to leave so they are going crazy. Ayesha tells them good night and leaves. Abhishek jokes that Isha is also looking bad. Isha says you fake person. Abhishek goes to Isha and says she looks bad. Isha says get lost fake Kumar. Mannara says Isha is dying for Abhishek.
PRECAP -The inmates will meet with the audience in the house. Munawar thanks the audience for coming and says this will be memorable as they are going to perform for them.