Bheema 27th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema manages to return to the school

Bheema 12th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Bhima refuses to leave the school until she gets the admission

Bheema 27th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Babu Sahib tells Dhania that today Bheema is just crying but can even be dead tomorrow hearing which Dhania gets worried while Mehwa requests Babu Sahib to not talk like this, Babu Sahib gets furious when the brother of Mehwa says Bheema just wants to get education so what is the point in getting so furious, Babu Sahib angrily getting out of his cars says the problem is how can they all think about deciding for themselves mentioning they cannot have anything other then their decisions, otherwise they should see the result of it and understand about it, after which they must decide if they want to send Bheema to school or return back home and live in the same manner. The sister requests Babu Sahib to let her go to her sister, Bheema says that she is in a lot of pain, Bhawan while walking holding the bag of Bheema says that in five minutes they would even get to know of it, Babu Sahib praises Bhawan saying this is how Bheema came to his house with the flag while his son has brought the answer, Bhawan says he has a message from the school that it is better for her to not return to school otherwise who knows if she is poisoned or stung by an insect, Bhawan mentions this is why they should end the bag and get rid of it, Bhawan picks the can of oil.

Mehwa says if Dhania tells Bheema that she will understand it, otherwise Bheema would die due to the snakes or scorpion, her sister also explains that Bheema might die while even the cousin requests Dhania to tells Bhima to come back and let go of this education, Mehwa requests Dhania to tell Bheema, she with tears in her eyes looks at Bheema telling her to not just look but save her bag as only then would she get the education, Babu Sahib along with Bhawan and everyone else present there are shocked, Dhania says that it is better if her daughters dies while trying to get education, Babu Sahib looks angrily at Dhania, Bheema slowly starts walking towards Bhawan who is staring at her, Bheema stands in front of Bhawan who keeps staring at her, she then looks at her bag, Babu Sahib orders Bhawan to burn the bag of Bheema and perform its last rites while they are slowly going to burn their huts. Bheema picks the rock threatening Bhawan with it seeing which Babu Sahib is shocked and then Bhawan stops, Bheema mentions she would not let him burn her bag, Babu Sahib asks if Bheema will hit his son with the rock, Bheema says she just wanted to pick the bag and why would she hit anyone, Bheema says how Baba sahib told her that those who get a hold of bag stop using the rocks.

Babu Sahib calls Bhawan who keeps looking at Bheema before angrily throwing the can away, Babu Sahib makes Bhawan sit with him as they leave. Dhania runs to hug Bheema who is in a lot of pain. Bheema replies she is fine now, Mehwa tells Dhania it was the last chance which Dhania let go of and they donot know what Babu Sahib would do to them, the brother of Mehwa mentions they donot have anything in their control and so leave. The elder asks why is Bheema making the people of upper class their enemy, Bheema asks the elder if they run away from a big illness or fight it, she says this is what she is doing so the elder also leaves. Bheema mentions she thought her mother would also ask her to stop the education but she went against everyone, Dhania replies she wants to see her dream come true, the teacher says it is not common for a mother to be strong as she kept the dream of her daughter higher then her daughters own life. Dhania says she is from the class of Baba Sahib and learned his mother Bheema Bai also supported him so has understood she must always support Bheema. The teacher says Dhania is true as there would be a fight in every place from their house to the school, while they would need a mother in this fight. Dhania says she is always with her daughter, Dhania informs Bheema she is going to work otherwise Kalasha Bua would find a problem in it, Bheema says she is going to the school to complete her challenge.

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The Peon is anxiously waiting and then informs the teacher about the arrival of Bhawan when the Principal goes to Bhawan asking if he burned the bag, when the other teacher asks Bhawan if Bheema ran forever but then Bheema coming from behind says she did not run away, Bhawan turns back to look at Bheema walking into the school. The teachers are stunned, Bheema says she has returned and cannot run away from education no matter what they do, she says they should no waste their time in trying to oust her as she has come to get education and there is still some time in the ending time of school so they should use their plan, as from Monday she is not going to accept any condition but just keep on studying. Bheema asks why are they all quiet, the teacher from lower class says what worse can they do other then to put the life of someone at risk and they donot have any other plan. The Principal asks the teacher from lower class to come as he has some work from him, he leaves along with the other teachers and even Bhawan furiously walks away.

The teachers tell Bheema he will meet with her later. Bheema is standing when Baba Sahib comes out from behind the board, he goes to stand in front of Bheema who is tensed, Baba Sahib praises Bheema for winning this fight as their quiet behavior showed they did not have any other plan to oust Bheema from the school. Baba Sahib says that today Bheema has become very special, Bheema asks she got stung by the scorpion so what is good about it, Baba Sahib asks if anyone from the upper class ever waited for him, he says but today they waited to see if she will come or not. Baba Sahib asks what did Bheema understand by it, she is not aware of anything that Baba Sahib said, he asks her to not worry assuring that he will explain everything, Baba Sahib asks her to relax saying that the fight before education has ended today while the fight relating to her education is going to start from the day after tomorrow, Baba Sahib is smiling.