Bheema 13th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News
Dolly asks Bheema what is the problem followed by all the other students, Bheema says she would tell them and explains she is the only one from her class so they all are trying to over power her but when the day comes that some other people from her class are also present here then there would not be any problem, so Bheema herself will find the solution to this problem,
Kalika angrily asks the person to come tomorrow and leaves after pushing him away, the other people rush to help the old worker and then sit by his side while he is crying, they vow to go and tell Bheema about the trouble they are facing, the uncle of Bheema agree saying they should go to ask Bheema about what to do in the future, they say it is because the people of the upper class think of it as their defeat and even the older person says that they must indeed ask Bheema about it.
The bell rings so all the students run out of their classrooms and sit in the playing area to eat their lunch, Pawan and Dolly also sit on the bench to have their food, Pawan tells Bheema the teacher was scared but if he was present then would have taught her a lesson, Bheema replies she could have faced anyone who stood in front of her education, Pawan mentions he is going to give her a reward for it and asks her to have some food for it, Bheema refuses to take it when Dolly says that even the people from her neighborhood take their food, Bheema once again refuses but then Pawan angrily orders her to eat it as she is his servant, the uncle asks everyone to see that Bheema is taking the food from Pawan while they got a beating from his father just because of her. Pawan drops the tortilla just as Bheema is about to hold it so Dolly and Pawan start smiling when Dolly says she should stay hungry, Bheema replies shew would fill her stomach with water, Pawan asks if she considers him as a fool but Bheema replies how could he know that the poor fill their stomach with water. Bheema walks towards the hand pump after putting the tortilla beside the window. The uncle of Bheema asks the people to go and ask for their right but they refuse saying that Bheema is suffering even more humiliation then them, Bheema is about to hold the hand pump but it stopped by the peon and teachers who rush over to her, they all are angrily looking at her when the peon asks how can she touch it, the peon says that she can even ask the teacher from her class, he agrees saying that he has never touched the pump and she must also not do anything of the sort. Baba Sahib comes to stand beside Bheema, saying he also got the water in the same manner and years later she is also suffering the same, he says she would be thinking why is she being treated like this even after the constitution so says that it is because of what she said in the classroom. Bheema remembers what she said, Baba Sahib says their problem would end when the people are present everywhere but for it, Bheema has to make a way and she says she would make the way for their people. Bheema asks the peon to help her drink water he order her to stand back only then would he give her the water, he pours out a glass of water for her and then pours it in her hands while she drinks from it, seeing this Pawan and Dolly start smiling. Bheema is thinking of how Baba Sahib said she must make the way for people from their class to be present everywhere. The old person says that the tears of Bheema are of her struggle so there is no need to ask her anything, they all walk away while the uncle of Bheema also leaves with tears in his eyes.
The teachers start smiling while looking at the condition of Bheema who is very tensed and emotional.
Dhania is feeding Bheema in the night but she is just thinking about how she was treaed in the school by Pawan and even stopped from drinking water from the handpump. The sister asks Bheema how was her day at the school, Dhania also says Bindiya is asking something, Bheema says she studied after sitting inside the class but nothing good happened at their lunch break, Dhania asks what was not right, Bheema requests her to let it be but then Mehwa coming mentions he would tell the, he sits on the small bench saying Babu Sahib threw the tortilla on the floor while she drank water from her hand, while it will happen each and every day but she is not worried either for herself or them all. Bheema says she worries for them otherwise would have told Maa the truth, she says this fight would happen every day and they must not be worried, Dhania says it is nothing to be worried about if she suffers a bit, the aunt coming questions why should everyone suffer get a beating like them, Bheema immediately asks who got a beating, the uncle says it was Harkhu on whom Kalika Singh took out the entire anger, Mehwa says he was working in the farm of Kalika Singh, the aunt replies that Kalika Singh beat him at that very place, Bheema immediately runs away followed by Bindiya and Dhania. The uncle says Mehwa does not know how dangerous it would become if Bheema keeps going to the school. Mehwa says he also asks the qeustion.
The wife of Harkhu while applying the ointment questions why did he not allow her to go and ask Bheema about why it all happened, Harkhu says that he had gone to talk to Bheema but saw the tears in her eyes so could not ask anything, the neighbors question why is he being worried about Bheema when she did not even come to ask him about his condition, Bheema says she just found out about it and then helps in applying the ointment, the aunt comes saying that would everything bee fine if she comes to apply the ointment whenever someone is beaten, Bheema says that no one would suffer like it when Harkhu asks her to just worry about her education. The uncle asks if Bheema is going to argue once again when Bheema replies thye have to show them about what is their strength, she keeps applying the ointment to the back of Harkhu, while everyone else is looking at her. Bheema is worried.