Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 6th December 2024 Written Episode Update: David Distances Himself from Ammaji


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 6th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Ramphal sees Saxena disguised as a lady, he says that he has fallen in love with Saxena. Saxena says that he wasn’t is love with Ramkali? Ramphal denies. Saxena invites him inside his house.

Vibhu gets a call from David’s lawyer. His lawyer tells David to inform David that his ex wife Diana has decided to give him 20 crores. Vibhu gets excited. The lawyet says that he will only get the money if David lives alone and denies not to flirt with anyone. Vibhu agrees. The lawyer says that Diana is always watching him. Anu asks what happened? Vibhu tells her the situation. Anu gets excited. David shows up and Vibhu tells him the same thing. Anu tells David that not only Diana is watching him, Vibhu and her are also going keep an eye on him. David gets upset. Anu is excited and leaves. Vibhu tells David to forget Ammaji or else he wont even a have a place to call home. David starts crying.

Ammaji is trying to call David but the call doesn’t connects, he ends the call. Ammaji calls David as soon as he gets out of his house. Ammaji calls him by his pet name. David tells him to call by his formal name. Ammaji says that he has changed. David tells her to upgrade. Ammaji tells him to stop playing, they should go and watch a film. David denies and runs away. Ammaji gets upset. Tiwari shows up and asks what happened? Ammaji says that David betrayed her. Tiwari says that David doesn’t have any character. Ammaji says that she will also not talk to him, she wants his Ramphal back. Tiwari tells her that Ramphal has fallen for Saxena as he’s entertaining him by disguising himself as a dancer. Ammaji gets furious and leaves.

Saxena is dancing for Ramphal and he’s loving it. Ammaji shows up and looks at them dancing together. Ammaji takes off Saxena’s wig. Ramphal asks Ammaji what is she doing? Ammaji tells him that he’s Saxena who was playing the drama for him. Ramphal gets shocked. Saxena says that he’s did this because Tiwari and Vibhu told him to do this. Ammaji says that she will talk to them. Ammaji tells Ramphal that she never thought he would do such thing. Ramphal says that he saw her with David and decided not to disturb them. He says that Ammaji will never forgive him. Ammaji takes Ramphal with him.

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Teeka and Tillu are painting the bedroom. Vibhu shows up and sits with Anu. Vibhu says that he’s going to sleep. Anu tells him to stay up, and tells Vibhu that they should go to Switzerland once they get the money. Vibhu agrees. Anu says that they will go for several months. Vibhu gets shocked. Anu says that they will travel all Eastern Europe countries. Vibhu and Anu starts dreaming and gets excited. Teeka and Tillu are still painting the room. Anu tells Teeka and Tillu to come back tomorrow. Vibhu also yells at them. Teeka says that they will only leave after they complete their work. Anu says that they will continue the painting after they return from the vacation. Teeka and Tillu leaves.

Angoori is watching a romantic film. Just then, Tiwari shows up and sits beside him he starts to flirt with her. Angoori gets confused. Tiwari says that they should do some romance. Angoori asks if it’s important? Angoori keeps on asking dumb questions. Tiwari’s mood crashes. Angoori laughs at Tiwari and asks if she should play a song? Tiwari agrees. Tiwari’s stomach starts to ache. Tiwari gets confused. Angoori remembers and tells Tiwari that she gave him dry fruits because Ammaji told her to. Tiwari yells at Angoori and runs for washroom.

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