Atal 13th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News
The episode starts with Saraswati recalling Krishna Vajpayee/KV and KM/Krishna Maa’s conversation that Saraswati’s confrontation is her own thought and it shouldn’t affect their family peace. KM walks to her and says they always considered as their daughter and not a DIL. Saraswati nods yes. KM says she wants her one daughter to take care of another daughter Vimla. She then leaves for work. Vimla walks out of room feeling suffocated. Vimla yells at her and asks why did she come out of her room and spread her disease among others. Vimla says she feels suffocated and was sweating after having medicine, so she came out to have some fresh air. Saraswati asks her to get out of the house and stop putting other’s lives at risk. Vimla asks if she shall inform everyone about her misbehavior. Saraswati says she can go ahead. Vimla says she will go in front of everyone and not hiding. Saraswati says she will go at any cost.
Villagers assure Shyamlal that he need not worry about Vimla’s treatment as they all will try to help him monetarily. They asks how much did the doctor ask. Shyamlal says 10 rs. Villagers say it’s too much, they earn a meager some but will try to collect as much money as they can.
KM alone works at a coal factory. Owner asks her to take a lunch break. KM says how can she rest when her daughter is critically ill and doctor is demanding 10 rs for her treatment. KV walks in and asks her to rest. He says she need not worry when her husband and son are working to fulfill family’s needs, informs that Atal had gone to sing Ram katha and he gave him permission. Atal sings Ram katha in a temple.
Tomar with his puppets walks to British officer and informs him that Vajpayee’s daughter Vimla is critically ill with contagious disease which may spread in the whole colony and his house is right in front of Vajpayee house, so he wants officer to request health department to forcefully shift Vimla to a hospital. Officer agrees. Tomar’s wife says Vajpayees will be angry with this move and would stop their drama once Vimla dies.
KM and KV return home and count their savings. Villagers walk to them and offer their savings of 2 rs for Vimla’s treatment. Tomar reaches with police and health department officials to shift Vimla to a hospital and threatens Vajpayee family as usual. Drama continues..
Precap: No precap.