Atal 12th February 2024 Written Episode Update: Atal Seeks Permission From His Father


Atal 12th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

The episode starts with Krishna Maa/KM telling Krishna Vajpayee/KV that she has calmed down Kamala, he can visit school. KV says he will directly go to work after school. KM says she will meet him directly at a coal factory, they will do labor work and earn money for their children’s better future. KV asks her not to overthink about Saraswati’s opinion downstairs and scold her as it was her personal opinion. KM says it wasn’t, but she doesn’t want her opinion ruin her family’s happiness. Saraswati hears their conversation.

Dayal informs principal that KV is working as a laborer in a coal factory and congratulates him for putting KV into financial crisis by stopping his salary. Principal says even he enjoyed troubling KV. KV walks in. Principal taunts him that he will get a better paying labor job for him from today. KV confronts him for his evil thinking. He says being in such a dignified designation, it’s inappropriate for him to support people like Dayal and Tomar. Principal gets angry and shouts at him to get out of his cabin.

Atal who hears their conversation walks in and orders principal to get out of his country. Principal gets angry and says a small student is asking him to get out of country. Atal apologizes him and says he couldn’t tolerate seeing his father’s insult and hence had to react. KV takes him out and asks him to just study and not fall in all this. Atal requests him if he can recite Ramayan to earn some money and describes cycle mechanic’s words. Another school teacher hears them and gathers everyone. He says let us see if a prominent teacher KV will permit his son to work or ask him to study. Krishna describes how a teacher wants his student to only study and how a father wants his son to support his family seeing his determination and love for the family. He leaves from there. Teacher taunts Atal that his father couldn’t decide at all. Atal describes what his father meant, etc.. Drama continues..

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Precap: Tomar brings health department officers to forcefully take Vimla from
Vajpayee house. Atal stops them and says they don’t have any proof that Vimla’s disease is contagious.