Bhagya Lakshmi 12th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Balvinder and Malishka prepare a plan against Rishi and Lakshmi

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Bhagya Lakshmi 12th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

The person after killing Ashish turns to Leo who tries to protect himself but is also killed, lakshmi starts calling for help while hugging Paru but is hit in the back of the head with a metal rod due to which she gets unconscious and falls on the floor, the person starts walking away with Paru while Lakshmi tries to get up and save her daughter but she once again falls back. The person takes off his mask to reveal that he is Balvinder

Shalu is stunned hearing it when Dadi says that it is the truth, Shalu sits back down and asks if they all went to take Paru, Shalu tries to ask when did it happen and then turns to rush to Aanchal and Karishma when Aanchal asks why is she asking the same question but she has told her that Lakshmi has gone with the money and Rishi, Aayush have followed her, Karishma starts scolding Shalu asking what is the need to question this again, Dadi then asks why are they scolding Shalu when she just found out the truth and Shalu is the aunt of Paru so is worried, Karishma requests her mom to try and understand when Shalu asks Dadi where have they gone, Aanchal says she is going to tell her and reveals they went to the warehouse in the town.

Rishi enters the warehouse with Vijesh, Inspector and Aayush while they start to search the entire warehouse but donot find Lakshmi and Paru, Rishi suggests they should go to the terrace but Vijesh says they have checked and there is no point in staying here, Aayush asks what does he mean when Vijesh asks if they remember the person whom they helped when Aayush explains they have even helped him but Vijesh replies that was the mistake as the kidnapper planned it all and after getting the opportunity they changed the location. Rishi says now they must go and search for Lakshmi.

Balvinder taking Paru calls Bablu asking where is he when Bablu says that he was playing a game, Balvinder wonders where is she at the moment, Malishka replies that she is here and comes to Balvinder when he says that he has kidnapped Paru, and is the master in kidnapping but Malishka relies he is not able to always successfully complete the work especially when it relates to Lakshmi. Balvinder asks where is she when Malishka replies that she dragged Lakshmi and placed her outside the house.

The people are trying to wake Lakshmi but she is unconscious and then Mukesh also brings Dadi to her, then they all come to ask Lakshmi what has happened to her, Shalu kneels to sit beside her sister asking if she is fine, Neelam and Karishma also come when Karishma asks where is Paru, Neelam asks Shalu to take her inside and they all start helping her, Lakshmi immediately starts to feel pain on the back side of her head and is very dizzy, she remembers when someone hit her on the head with the metal road. Dadi and Shalu start helping Lakshmi back to the house but she just remembers Paru and starts to run out of the house, Neelam asks what has happened to her that she ran like this, Karishma says that something has happened, they all run after her.

Balvinder asks what did she so when Lakshmi was to come to him but then they say that he fails, Malishka replies it is not any idiocy but she is doing it all as she also desires Lakshmi should leave her life and she is not doing anything for him, Balvinder says he just needs Paru, Malishka goes to Bablu asking him to take Paru as she is talking about something important, Balvinder also angrily orders Bablu to take Paru.

Lakshmi entering the house starts calling to the officers when Shalu says they all went after her but Lakshmi replies she did not see anyone following her and was alone, Neelam questions lakshmi where is Paru as she gave her the money to bring back Paru, Lakshmi is very emotional.

Balvinder tells Malishka she does not think anything else other then to scold him when the kidnappers she had hired before were not good and Malishka should have just called him, Malishka replies that she knows she is not able to make good plans right now, Balvinder is glad that she accepted her mistake but asks why did she arrange the kidnapping, Malishka replies she felt Rishi and Lakshmi would fight with each other and the date of the court case is also coming near so they would get angry and the judge will decide against them but everything ruined, Balvinder asks if her plan did not work, Malishka says that they fought with each other for a short while but then got back with each other. Balvinder calls Malishka an idiot so she goes after him but he sits back to have tea with biscuits, Balvinder informs Malishka that finds he wants to separate two people who love each other then has to make sure that she causes problem between them, Malishka warns Balvinder to not forget he came from the mental asylum but is now instructing him, Balvinder replies she is making a mistake as if Malishka wants to cause a big war then should make a big scene, Malishka says that they never fight but Balvinder asks what if he causes them to fight, he asks how much do they love Paru and so Malishka replies even more then themselves when Balvinder gets up saying that he has found a reason.

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Rishi is in the car asking Aayush to drive fast as he does not know what Lakshmi would be going through, Vijesh replies he feels Lakshmi would have reached back home, Aayush asks how does he know it when Vijesh says the kidnapper did it with thorough planning, he changed the location as he suspected they were coming after Lakshmi, while how did he tell lakshmi about the new location.

Aanchal in a shocking voice asks if the phone was in the car, Lakshmi replies even she got stunned finding the phone and they informed her that the location has changed. Neelam asks if she found Paru there to which lakshmi says Paru was there.

Aayush suggest why should they not call back home as Vijesh sir said they might have reached back home, Rishi replies he said it would not be of any use so asks Vijesh sir if they can go back home as Lakshmi and Paru might have returned.

Balvinder tells Malishka both Rishi and Lakshmi would fight each other for Paru as they both would think each other of them has kidnapped Lakshmi, Malishka agrees that the plan is perfect and they both would not get the chance to find out while sh will convince Lakshmi that Rishi kidnapped Paru, Malishka says even the court favors Lakshmi so would blame Rishi for kidnapping Paru, Balvinder asks then what would Rishi says when she replies he would argue he is a good father but Balvinder says they can do it with just planning.

Lakshmi emotionally says that Paru was in front of her but then suddenly someone else came there and kidnapped Paru right I front of her when she was not able to do anything.

Balvinder explains they have to make the proof of this plan as things are sound with the proof, and they both would suspect each other so suggests they would first make Rishi suspect that lakshmi is behind it after which they have to stand back and let them both find the proofs against each other and if Lakshmi finds the proof then she would think Rishi has done it, he says the plan should not flop right now when Malishka replies it would not flop this time.

Lakshmi sits down on the floor explaining that Paru got kidnapped right in front of her eyes while she was not able to do anything, Dadi requests Lakshmi to not act like this as such thing surely happen, Malishka thinks that she was waiting for this moment and needs to start her plan. Aanchal tells Neelam of how she would go to tell Rishi that Lakshmi returned back home without Paru, Anoushka brings water for Neelam but she refuses to take it, Malishka questions why did Lakshmi not bring back the money and says that she feels Lakshmi knew the officer was coming behind her so she changed the location while this means it was an act, so Lakshmi can surely do it. Neelam gets suspicious.

Precap: Lakshmi asks Rishi where is Paru, he asks if she is questioning him or blaming when she replies he has done it. Neelam also says that Lakshmi has taken advantage of her motherhood and is behind the kidnapping. Rishi agrees with Vijesh that someone in this house is behind the kidnapping, Rishi and lakshmi blame each other which shocks everyone.