Lakshmi Narayan 9th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Hayagriva tries to stop Lakshmi and Narayan’s wedding

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Lakshmi Narayan 9th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.News

Scene 1

Narayan and Lakshmi’s wedding ceremony starts. Lakshmi enters the venue and starts walking towards the mandap where Narayan smiles at her.

Hayagriva some out of the venue of the wedding Vekund and tries to enter but its protected and wouldn’t let him because of his evil thoughts. The guards tell him that he can’t enter. Hayagriva shows his chakra and says nothing can stop me from entering there and gets Lakshmi. He throws his chakra in the air, the guards say we will protect and won’t let him disrupt the wedding. Hayagriva tries to attack them but Aditi stops him. He says you can’t stop me today, I will kill them and go in. I want Lakshmi at any cost so I won’t back down. Aditi says you are a fool if you think you can use your chakra for two times, you can only use it once so think if you want to waste it on these mere guards or when you have to fight with Narayan? Hayagriva looks on.

Narayan and Lakshmi sit in the mandap together and their wedding rituals start. Mahadev says there should be a ritual of mantras by the priest during the wedding. Devatas nods and recites mantra for Narayan and Lakshmi’s wedding. Mahadev says their lives should be tied from now on, he does their gathbandhan and says this is union is a proof of wealth and peace. Narayan promises Lakshmi to be her partner from now. They start taking pheras and make 7 promises to always support each other, not letting anyone insult them, be there for each other in happiness and sadness, it will be his duty to keep her happy. Lakshmi says I want to fulfil some promises too like she will be his partner and won’t let anyone insult, she will be with him in any difficult situation and won’t let anyone break them apart, their union is infinite and unbreakable. Mahadev says their promises will be the base of marriages. He says the wedding is done. They all celebrate it.

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Precap: Mahadev asks Lakshmi and Narayan to step forward to establish Veda in Vaikunth. Hayagriva says that the moment Lakshmi Narayan will step out of Vaikunth, it will be their last moment together.